
私の『アンネの日記』の記事でのコメント欄に [ goodknightmysun ] さんから、成る程と思える質問がありましたので、その回答を述べます。

アンネの日記」はおっちゃんが書いた小説 2012/1/20(金) 







ヒトラーの任務と国際金融資本』 2016/8/1(月) 

イメージ 2

イメージ 3


1492年にスペインから、以後オーストリアハンガリー 、 ドイツから追放されたユダヤ人にポーランドは寛容だった故に、ユダヤ人はよりアクセスしやすいポーランドへ移民しました。以降、ポーランドは西欧からのユダヤ人亡命者のための避難所となりました。16世紀になるとポーランドは「ユダヤ人の天国」であるという諺が生まれました。


『19人殺害:簡単に洗脳される日本の若者』 2016/7/29(金) 





(すぎはら ちうね、1900年(明治33年)1月1日 - 1986年(昭和61年)7月31日) 日本の官僚、外交官。

イメージ 4

イメージ 1









そこで杉原は、日本のビザ発給条件を満たさない者については、ウラジオストク港で日本行き の船への乗船を拒絶するよう、外務省の方で取り計らって欲しい旨返電しています。




イメージ 6


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『歴史捏造の検証:リトアニア領事官杉原千畝ユダヤ難民救助ビザ発給』 2017/3/4(土) 

アンネの日記』のおさらい 2014/3/12(水)

   ★   ★   ★


米軍によるレイプの被害者 は14000人(内、ドイツ人女性 11040人)と言われています。ソ連軍は占領したドイツで集団強姦を広範囲に行い、レイプの被害者数はベルリンでは9万5000~13万、東プロイセン等では140万人、ドイツ全域で200万人にのぼりました。スターリンが敵国の女性を戦利品とする「戦地妻」を容認したからです。

   ★   ★   ★
ルーズベルトと五十六の真珠湾シナリオ』 2016/12/12(月)
Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor: Official Lies in an American War Tragedy? | Robert B. Stinnett
真珠湾アメリカの戦争悲劇は公然たる嘘? | ロバート・B・スティネット

共産主義者近衛文麿の犯罪』 2014/2/19(水)


ヒットラーは生きていた』 2013/8/2(金) 

イメージ 7



※ 機械語訳のままです。

The history of the Jews in Poland dates back over 800 years.
For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world.
From the founding of the Kingdom of Poland in 1025 through to the early years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth created in 1569 , Poland was the most tolerant country in Europe.


   ☆   ☆   ☆

The first extensive Jewish emigration from Western Europe to Poland occurred at the time of the First Crusade in 1098. Under Bolesław III (1102–1139), the Jews, encouraged by the tolerant regime of this ruler, settled throughout Poland, including over the border in Lithuanian territory as far as Kiev .

Bolesław III recognized the utility of Jews in the development of the commercial interests of his country.Jews came to form the backbone of the Polish economy.
Mieszko III employed Jews in his mint as engravers and technical supervisors, and the coins minted during that period even bear Hebraic markings .
Jews worked on commission for the mints of other contemporary Polish princes, including Casimir the Just , Bolesław I the Tall and Władysław III Spindleshanks .
Jews enjoyed undisturbed peace and prosperity in the many principalities into which the country was then divided;they formed the middle class in a country where the general population consisted of landlords (developing into szlachta , the unique Polish nobility) and peasants, and they were instrumental in promoting the commercial interests of the land.
Another factor for the Jews to emigrate to Poland were the Magdeburg rights , or Magdeburg Law, a charter given to the Jews, among others, that specifically outlined the rights and privileges that Jews had coming into Poland.
For example, they could define their neighborhoods and economic competitors and set up monopolies.This made it very attractive for Jewish communities to pick up and move to Poland.

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This ended with the Partitions of Poland which began in 1772, in particular, with the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire .
Known as paradisus Iudaeorum ( Latin for " Paradise of the Jews"), it became a shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and the home to the world's largest Jewish community of the time.
According to some sources, about three-quarters of the world's Jews lived in Poland by the middle of the 16th century.
With the weakening of the Commonwealth and growing religious strife (due to the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation ), Poland's traditional tolerance  began to wane from the 17th century onward.
After the partitions of Poland in 1795 and the destruction of Poland as a sovereign state , Polish Jews were subject to the laws of the partitioning powers, the increasingly antisemitic Russian Empire ,  as well as Austro-Hungary and Kingdom of Prussia (later a part of the German Empire ).
Still, as Poland regained independence in the aftermath of World War I , it was the center of the European Jewish world with one of world's largest Jewish communities of over 3 million.
Antisemitism was a growing problem throughout Europe in those years, from both the political establishment and the general population.

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In the postwar period, many of the approximately 200,000 Jewish survivors registered at Central Committee of Polish Jews or CKŻP (of whom 136,000 arrived from the Soviet Union)  left the People's Republic of Poland for the nascent State of Israel and North or South America .
Their departure was hastened by the destruction of Jewish institutions, post-war violence and the hostility of the Communist Party to both religion and private enterprise, but also because in 1946–1947 Poland was the only Eastern Bloc country to allow free Jewish aliyah to Israel, without visas or exit permits.
Britain demanded Poland to halt the exodus, but their pressure was largely unsuccessful.
Most of the remaining Jews left Poland in late 1968 as the result of the Soviet-sponsored "anti-Zionist" campaign .
After the fall of the Communist regime in 1989, the situation of Polish Jews became normalized and those who were Polish citizens before World War II were allowed to renew Polish citizenship .
Religious institutions were revived, largely through the activities of Jewish foundations from the United States.
The contemporary Polish Jewish community is estimated to have approximately 20,000 members,  though the actual number of Jews, including those who are not actively connected to Judaism or Jewish culture, may be several times larger.

   ★   ★   ★

The ideology of Nazism brought together elements of anti-Semitism, racial hygiene, and eugenics, and combined them with pan-Germanism and territorial expansionism with the goal of obtaining more Lebensraum (living space) for the Germanic people.Immediately after the Nazi seizure of power in Germany, acts of violence perpetrated against Jews became ubiquitous. The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, passed on 7 April 1933 excluded most Jews from the legal profession and the civil service. Similar legislation soon deprived Jewish members of other professions of the right to practise. Harassment and economic pressure were used by the regime to encourage Jews to leave the country voluntarily. Their businesses were denied access to markets, forbidden to advertise in newspapers, and deprived of government contracts. German Jews were subjected to violent attacks and boycotts.

ナチズムのイデオロギーは、反ユダヤ主義、人種衛生、優生学の要素を結集し、ゲルマン人のためにより多くのLebensraum(生活空間)を得るという目的で汎ドイツ語と領土拡大主義と結びつけた。ドイツでナチスが権力を奪った直後に、ユダヤ人に対して犯された暴力行為がいたるところになった。 1933年4月7日に成立した「公務員法の復活法」は、ほとんどのユダヤ人を合法職業と公務員から除外した。同様の法律は、すぐにユダヤ人のメンバーに他の職業を奪われた。ユダヤ人を自発的に去るよう奨励するために、嫌がらせと経済的な圧力が政権によって使われた。彼らのビジネスは、市場へのアクセスが拒否され、新聞に広告が掲載されず、政府契約が奪われた。ドイツのユダヤ人は暴力的な攻撃やボイコットを受けた。

In September 1935 the Nuremberg Laws were enacted. These laws prohibited marriages between Jews and people of Germanic extraction, extramarital relations between Jews and Germans, and the employment of German women under the age of 45 as domestic servants in Jewish households. The Reich Citizenship Law stated that only those of Germanic or related blood were defined as citizens. Thus Jews and other minority groups were stripped of their German citizenship. The laws were expanded on 26 November 1935 to include Romani people and Afro-Germans. This supplementary decree defined Gypsies as "enemies of the race-based state", the same category as Jews. By the start of World War II in 1939, around 250,000 of Germany's 437,000 Jews had emigrated to the United States, Palestine, the United Kingdom, and other countries.



この補遺令は、ジプシーを「人種に基づく国家の敵」と定義した。これはユダヤ人と同じカテゴリーである。 1939年の第2次世界大戦の始まりによって、ドイツ、43万7000人のユダヤ人のうち約25万人が米国、パレスチナ、イギリス、およびその他の国に移住しました。(中略)

Nazi Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. German dictator Adolf Hitler ordered that the Polish leadership and intelligentsia be destroyed.(中略)
Initially the intention was to deport the Jews to points further east, or possibly to Madagascar.Two years later, in an attempt to obtain new territory, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union ,  intending to deport or kill the Jews and Slavs living there.
