


モンサントの)コーンはあの世への近道 2014/6/9(月) 

子供の脳が危ない(モンサントの)遺伝子組換え食品(GMO 2014/6/4(水) 
Scientists warned that diminished brain size sent out a urgent danger warning for growing children fed `GM food.



世界の潮流モンサントGMO拒否 2015/10/27(火) 

EU諸国の大半はGMO遺伝子組み換え作物)を禁止 2015/10/21(水) 

ロシアでもGMO遺伝子組み換え作物)全面禁止 2015/10/26(月) 
GMO crops totally banned in Russia... powerful nation blocks Monsanto's agricultural imperialism and mass poisoning of the population


Hillary Clinton now fleeing the public and reporters after being outed as Bride of Frankenfoods


Saturday, June 27, 2015 by: Daniel Barker
Tags: Hillary Clinton, Monsanto, biotech industry

イメージ 1

(NaturalNews) There are a number of very good reasons why Hillary Clinton should never be elected president. The Democratic front-runner for the 2016 presidential election has been embroiled in so many scandals, it's not easy to know where to start. The Benghazi fiasco? Emailgate? The revelations published in the recently released book titled Clinton Cash that prove just how corrupt she and hubby Bill really are?



No wonder she's dodging the press...

But there's an even bigger issue, one that may be the real reason why she hasn't been answering any questions from journalists in more than a month and is now going to great lengths to hide from reporters.

Hillary has been outed as the "Bride of Frankenfoods" -- her cozy relationship with Monsanto, a company widely regarded (and rightly so) as "the most evil corporation on the planet."

It has been revealed that Hillary Clinton has extremely close ties with Monsanto and that she supports GMO agriculture. This isn't really news, because her ties to the industry go all the way back to when she worked at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, which represented Monsanto and other "Big Ag" corporations.

Her alliances with Monsanto and GMOs didn't stop there, either. Monsanto and Dow Chemicals (Dow is another one of the heavy hitters in the Frankenfood industry) have each made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation.







From The Washington Times:

Big ag... has been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation, the family charity at the center of pay-to-play accusations involving foreign donors while Mrs. Clinton ran the State Department.

Monsanto gave the foundation between $501,250 and $1 million. Dow Chemical Company, which is among the top GMO players, gave between $1 million and $5 million, according to financial disclosures by the Clinton Foundation.

And that's not all -- Hillary Clinton's top campaign staffer in Iowa, Jerry Crawford, is a former Monsanto lobbyist.





Starting to get the picture?

If not, take this next fact into consideration: Only last year, Hillary Clinton made a paid speech at a San Diego biotech convention in which she advised the industry to give its products an "image makeover," as reported by The Washington Times.

One excerpt from the speech has Clinton telling the audience -- which was made up of GMO industry executives and investors -- to choose their terminology more wisely:

"Genetically modified" sounds Frankensteinish. "Drought-resistant" sounds like something you'd want. Be more careful so you don't raise that red flag immediately.

That passage alone should be enough to convince you that Hillary Clinton not only is more than willing to kowtow to the GMO industry but is also ready to engage in whatever devious verbal subterfuge it takes to ram the Frankenfood agenda right down our collective throats.






イメージ 2
※ ヒラリー・クリントンはフランケンフ-ドの花嫁 BRIDE OF FRANKENFOODS

It's sickening, don't you agree?

Make no mistake about it: Hillary Clinton is not the champion of the downtrodden masses, as she would like everyone to believe. She is a corporatist candidate whose mission is to further the interests of the elites, and particularly the agendas of Monsanto and others in the biotech industry.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Monsanto. And now that this fact is becoming clear to those who blindly supported her (such as the liberal females who rightly are against GMOs, but who didn't know the "real" Hillary until now), they are ditching her in droves and withdrawing their support for her candidacy.

No wonder she has been avoiding reporters. And though it may benefit her at the moment to do exactly that, she can't run from the press and public scrutiny forever if she is serious about getting elected.

It will be interesting to see what happens next, now that she has been outed as the Bride of Frankenfoods. Are American voters really dumbed down and apathetic enough to vote her into office anyway? I certainly hope not...








(2) The Institute For Policy Studies (IPS) is a think tank that operates very closely with the former KGB.
(2) 政策研究所(IPS)は前のKGBと非常に緊密に作動するシンクタンク

Founded in 1921, the CFR has been on a mission to forming a socialist world government under the United Nations and not the US Constitution.

ヒラリー・クリントンへ中国政府からの政治献金 2014/6/22(日) 
During the 1990s, the Clintons received MILLIONS of illegal campaign contributions from the Chinese Military Intelligence Agency.