Joel Rosenblatt、Robert Burnson
ブルームバークニュース 2018年8月13日 2:54 JST
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In 2015 the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the World Health Organisation's cancer agency, concluded that it was "probably carcinogenic to humans" .But the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to insist that glyphosate is safe when used carefully.
Some Democrats have even called for a Department of Justice investigation into alleged collusion between government officials and Monsanto .
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Rounding up Glyphosate
Today, glyphosate-tolerant crops include varieties of corn, soybeans, cotton, canola, sugar beet and alfalfa, among others. Over 90% of all soybeans and over 70% of all corn grown in the U.S. are genetically modified, with the majority of these plants specifically possessing glyphosate tolerance. These crops may be treated with much higher levels of glyphosate than those that predate the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and consequently, people are being exposed to this herbicide through the food supply. Other non-GMO crops such as oats and wheat are also sprayed with glyphosate to cause the plants to dry faster for harvesting.
An independent, FDA-approved analytical laboratory (Anresco) tested 29 common food substances in the U.S. diet and found alarming levels of glyphosate in such brands as Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, Oreos and Doritos, among others. Levels found in Cheerios were greater than one part per million (i.e., 1 milligram per kilogram food substance). Glyphosate has also been detected in the urine of cattle at levels up to 146 parts per million and in organ meat of cattle up to 108 parts per million. In this same analysis, it was shown that both humans and animals fed organic (GMO-free) diets excrete substantially lower levels of glyphosate in their urine.
FDA(食品医薬品局)が承認した独立した分析研究所(Anresco)は、米国の食生活で29の一般的な食品物質を試験し、チェリオス(朝食用の穀物加工品)、ナビスコのリッツクラッカー、オレオ(ナビスコのサンドイッチ状のクッキー)、ドリトス(三角形コーンチップのスナック菓子) などのブランドで驚くべきレベルの除草剤グリフォセートを発見した。
除草剤グリフォセートはまた、牛の尿中で146ppmまで、臓器肉では108ppmまで検出されている。 この同じ分析において、有機(GMOを含まない)食餌を与えたヒトおよび動物の両方が、除草剤グリホサートを同じレベルで尿中に実質的に分泌することが示された。
Human vaccines have also been shown to contain glyphosate. Moms Across America has reported levels as high as 2.6 parts per billion (as determined by independent testing laboratory, Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc., St. Louis, MO) in the MMR-II vaccine, with all other vaccines tested showing at least detectable levels of glyphosate. This isn’t unexpected, given that vaccines are manufactured using bovine and pork-based cell culture products derived from livestock that may have consumed grain-based feed with the allowable level of glyphosate at 400 parts per million. Although glyphosate levels in vaccines are up to 1000 times lower than that in food substances, one must consider that vaccines are directly injected into the body, meaning that 100% of the herbicide is directly absorbed into the recipient’s tissues. Additionally, vaccines contain other substances like adjuvants and surfactants which can hasten the uptake of glyphosate into cells.
(独立した試験研究室Microbe Inotech Laboratories、Inc.、St.Louis、MO)
In a survey of the open literature, there are over 200 scientific papers covering the toxicity of glyphosate in human tissues.
Glyphosate at current environmental levels has exhibited an “estrogenic” effect on human breast cancer cells, meaning that it essentially enhanced the growth of certain types of tumor cells (Thongprakaisang et al. 2013). Another publication by Mesnage et al. 2015 revealed that glyphosate levels in the range of the acceptable daily intake causes chronic health effects including teratogenic, tumorigenic, and hepatorenal effects. The authors hypothesize that adjuvants in the pesticide that enhance the toxicity and uptake of glyphosate by plants also augment the toxic effect of glyphosate in humans. This would serve to invalidate any previous safety study completed on glyphosate alone, which would be meaningless unless all the pesticide components were present.
現在の環境レベルでのグリホサートは、ヒト乳癌細胞に「エストロゲン作用(発情を促す作用)」効果を示し、特定のタイプの腫瘍細胞の増殖を本質的に強化することを意味する(Thongprakaisang et al。2013)。
2015年 許容される1日摂取量の範囲内のグリホセートレベルが、催奇形性(註2)、腫瘍原性および肝臓の影響を含む慢性的な健康影響を引き起こすことを明らかにした。
Clear evidence that specific formulations which include glyphosate are toxic to human cells at concentrations deemed safe for human consumption in the U.S. was available as early as 2009 (Gasnier et al. 2009). These formulations were shown to cause endocrine disruption, cellular toxicity, and DNA damage. Another study linked glyphosate exposure to occupational lung disease (Kumar et al. 2014). Perhaps the most impactful study completed to date, termed the “Global Glyphosate Study“, was completed by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy and was published in May 2018 in the journal Environmental Health. Within this study, laboratory rats were fed 1.75 mg of glyphosate per kg body weight each day (the U.S. EPA acceptable daily intake) over a 13-week time period. Changes were seen, as compared to the control group of animals, in biochemical parameters related to sexual development, genotoxicity, and the alteration of the intestinal microbiome.
グリフォサートを含む特定の製剤がヒト細胞にとって有害であるとの明確な証拠は、米国でヒトが摂取することが安全であると考えられる濃度では、2009年早くも有害証拠の入手を可能であった(Gasnier et al。2009)。
これらの製剤は、内分泌攪乱、細胞毒性、およびDNA損傷を引き起こすことが示された。別の研究は、グリホサートの職業性肺疾患(註3)への暴露(さらされる)を関連づけた(Kumar et al。2014)。
仕事の作業中に有害な粉じん、アレルゲン、化学物質、環境汚染物質などを吸入することで生じ. る呼吸器疾患のこと
おそらく、現在までに完成した「世界的グリホサート研究(Global Glyphosate Study)」と呼ばれる最も影響力のある研究は、イタリアのRamazzini Instituteによって完成され、2018年5月に環境衛生誌に掲載された。
As a society, our food supply and even our vaccines are awash in glyphosate, which should be of grave concern. One study has shown that 93% of individuals tested in the U.S. show levels of glyphosate in their urine. Average levels of glyphosate in urine of children in this study eclipsed 3.5 parts per billion. This is highly disconcerting given that another study shows glyphosate-related damage to the liver and kidneys of rats at levels as low as 0.05 parts per billion. Despite all this evidence, the U.S. EPA sticks to their claim that glyphosate is safe for consumption. As is the case with vaccines and other medical products, with our food supply, we simply cannot trust our government to tell us what is safe to put in our bodies.