Accidents: 1960's
Accidents: 1970's
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Scaia、ノースダコタ 290パーセント
モハビ、アリゾナ州 270パーセント
Norten、ノースダコタ 215パーセント
Shorren、オレゴン州 162パーセント
Nassac、イリノイ州 240パーセント
Shorman、オレゴン州 310パーセント
キャロル、ミズーリ 273パーセント
Nassac、イリノイ州 240パーセント
1959年~1960年、急性白血病を持つ人は7人 。内、5人の子供と10代。 (出典:「西オーストラリア」 - 1979年1月10日)。
高レベルのプルトニウムが大気中に放出され400人の労働者が被爆した。 25人は許容放射線量の17倍を被爆。 汚染された325人の労働者は1953年以来、56人が進行癌、14人が死亡している。 (核- 1979年7月25日)。
スイス-炉心の部分的なメルトダウン。 原子炉が破壊され放射能が放出。 原子炉は岩洞穴にあって、廃棄物処理のために貯蔵地域に変換された。(MAUMためペネロペColeing、ウェッブ、REのp.201)
Bradwell Nuclear Power Station, Hinkley Point
Dune Dungeness Nuclear Power Station, UK (英国)
Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, UK (英国)
Oldsbury Nuclear Power Station, UK (英国)
Trawsfyndd Nuclear Power Station, UK (英国)
(註9)GENOMAはESPERITE GROUPの会社。本社スイス。予測医療医学企業。
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7 January 1月7日
Charlevoix County in Michigan has an infant mortality rate 448 higher than national average
Immature infant deaths are 18% higher;
eukemia is 400% higher.
Cancer deaths are 15% more numerous than national average
Congenital defects 230% higher.
Charlevoix County is the home of Big Rock Point nuclear power plant(See Mary Weik 1964) (Thieberger p.8)
(Thieberger P.8)(1964メアリーWeikを参照してください)
AUSTRALIA - The annual incidence of leukemia in Australia has increased from just under 2 cases per million in 1930 to 57 cases per million in 1970. ("Atmospheric Testing, a survey of medical statistics in Australia" by Bruce J. Brown) KERR McGEE NUCLEAR PLANT, NEW YORK, USA
Woman contaminated by plutonium
Karen Silkwood had gathered evidence on the unsafe working conditions at the plant and was on her way to deliver these to a newspaper reporter and a union official when she died in mysterious circumstances.
Subsequently Karen Silkwood's father received $1 million in settlement from the company.
カレン・シルクウッドは、プラントで安全でない労働条件に関して証拠を集めた 。そして、彼女が不可解な状況で死亡したとき、これら証拠を新聞記者と組合の当局者に届ける途中だった。
その後カレン・シルクウッドの父親は会社から$ 1M(100万ドル)を受け取った。
("West Australian" 22nd May, 1979; ABC "Four Corners", 21st July, 1979)(「西オーストラリア」1979年5月22日、ABC「フォー・コーナーズ」、1979年7月21日)。
JAPAN - Japanese nuclear ship MUTSU found leaking radioactivity due to faulty design of reactor shield. (Nucleus, 25th July, 1979, p.15)
July 7月
PORT HOPE, CANADA - Discovery that in Port Hope, Canada, which was built on uranium waste landfill, radiation levels in some buildings are 100 times more than safe.
Bone marrow abnormalities found in town residents.
(Nucleus, 25th July, 1979, p.18; Craw Doo Dah Gazette, August, 1976)(核、1979年7月25日、18頁;クロードゥーダー官報、1976年8月)
April 4月
LUCAS HEIGHTS, AUSTRALIA - Australia's first victim died as a result of being exposed to radiation at the Atomic Energy Commission's nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights.
The man contracted leukemia.
The AEC admitted liability by paying compensation to the man's widow.Two years before the death, workers had complained of a health problem which they thought was related to their work with epoxies.("Sun Herald", 19th June, 1977)
USSR IN NORTHERN CANADA - The nuclear powered Soviet Satellite Cosmos 954 fell out of its orbit and plunged into the tundra of Northern Canada spreading radioactive material over a wide area.It contained a specially designed nuclear reactor which was fuelled by 100 lbs of Uranium 235, with an explosive power five times the force of Hiroshima.(Nucleus, 14/6/1978; Burleson, CW, "The Day the Bomb Fell", Great Britain, 1980, pp 227-245).
UK - British dockyard workers exposed to radiation while working on nuclear submarines show a greater than normal incidence of damaged chromosomes.
These results are based on a ten-year study.The greater the radiation dose the worker received the greater the number of cells showing chromosome damage.Damage occurs even when radiation exposures are below internationally agreed safety standards.("New Scientist", 15th February, 1979)
月- 6月
USSR - Reports of prisoners dying through atomic radiation from A. Shifrin, the Director of a centre in the Soviet Union that investigates the Concentration Camps and Psychiatric Prisons in the USSR Some of these camps are near atomic submarine bases.
Prisoners from camps reportedly clean highly radioactive parts of the submarines and thus receive lethal doses of radiation.Other prisoners work in uranium mines and refineries where they are exposed to radiation.
("Baltic News", May-June 1979, based on an article "Novoye Rusakoye Siovas", a New York Periodical).(記事「Novoye Rusakoye Siovas」、ニューヨーク定期に基づいて、「バルトニュース」、月 - 1979年6月)。
NAGASAKI, JAPAN - Between August 1978 and 1979, there were 106 patients suffering from radiation effects from the atomic bomb at the Nagasaki Hospital for A-Bomb victims.("Japan Times", 8th August 1979 quoted in WISE No.1 November/December 1979)
長崎、日本 - 1978年8月〜1979年の間、原爆被災者のための長崎病院で。原爆で放射線影響を受けた106人の患者がいた。(1979年8月8日「ジャパンタイムズ」1979年11月/ 12月号で引用)
RADIUM HILL, SOUTH AUSTRALIA - A NSW Government report on workers at Radium Hill, although not yet finalized, shows that since 1960, 598 of those who worked underground at Radium Hill over a period of two years died of cancer;showing a death rate four and a half times the Australian average.(Senator Cavanagh, Hansard, 29th August 1979, pp.378-379)
ラジウム丘陵、南オーストラリア州 - ラジウム丘陵の労働者に関するニューサウスウェールズ州政府の報告によると、まだ確定されていないが、1960年以降、ラジウム丘陵で2年間にわたって地下で作業した者の598人ががんで死亡し、オーストラリア人の死亡率の4,5倍だった。(カバナー、ハンサード上院議員、1979年8月29日、pp.378-379)
Senator Guilfoyle, representing the Federal Minister for Health, (Hansard 11th October, 1979, p.216) was unable to confirm or deny this according to information she had available to her, but she was able to confirm that of the 3,000 employees, 600 had been traced;22 who had died spent in excess of 12 months underground;9 (40%) had died of cancer.
"Nationwide" reported that the death toll is rising.Workers were contaminated with radon gas at a time when the dangers of uranium mining were internationally known.As early as 1920 radon was a known killer.Safety standard at Radium Hill were sub-standard.
Host miners did not know the tremendous risk they were taking.Many miners are still not aware of the danger.None were privately informed.("Nationwide", ABC 23rd July 1979)
4th August
GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, USA Significant levels of radon have been found in houses, schools, etc., where tailings were used for land fill and building foundations.Infant death rate for Grand Junction is 50% higher than the State average due to birth defects.(Penelope Coleing, MAUM)
29 September TUCSON, ARIZONA, USA - Governor Bruce Babbit of Arizona declared a State of emergency and sent the National Guard to clean out radioactive tritium at the plant which he claimed had been leaking recurrently.
Chocolate cake made in the school across the road was found to have 56,000 picocuries per litre of radioactive tritium, almost three times the official safe standard.$300,000 worth of food was contaminated by radioactive tritium.An American atomic energy official claimed the whole emergency was the result of Governor Babbit's "greed for publicity" in related incidents.
(Nucleus, Vol.2 No.1 November/December 1979 p.19)
WINDSCALE, UK - In Britain, Government scientists will investigate whether a mysterious rise in the incidence of blood cancer in Northern England is due to "radioactive pollution from the nearby Windscale nuclear plant".
12 doctors diagnosed 12 cases of leukemia in one area, 10 victims have died.
Scientists at Manchester University have found a marked rise in Leukemia deaths in Blackpool, Burnley, Lancaster and Preston areas surrounding Windscale with hardly any change over the rest of Britain.
"Another university team discovered levels of radioactivity in the adjoining Irish Sea hundreds of times greater than in other coastal regions".
29 December
NEW YORK, USA - A couple, convinced that their stillborn baby was killed by radiation from Three Mile Island nuclear plant, filed for more than $20,000 compensatory and punitive damages from Metropolitan Edison, the operator of the plant.The woman was four months pregnant at the time of Three Mile Island accident.("West Australian", 29th December 1979)
LANCASHIRE, UK Studies by Manchester University show cases of Myeloid lukemia has doubled between the late 1960's and early 1970's.
No chemical cause found but cause linked with increased radioactive pollution monitored off the North-West coast.Cover-up is suspected because:
-Public secrecy after radioactive releases when reactors were used for bomb production;
-Unexplained failure to publish leukemia statistics since 1970.
These results are in line with studies in the USA where a two to three times increase in cancer (particularly leukemia) can be found in the vicinity of nuclear plants.
Despite this the British Government is relaxing control on dumping of low level wastes, preparing to raise objections to high level waste dumping and proposing to raise allowable radiation exposure levels to workers and the public in line with recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection.(WISE November/December 1979)
これにもかかわらず、英国政府は、低レベル廃棄物の投棄に関する管理を緩和し、廃棄物投棄の高水準に異議を唱え、国際放射線防護委員会の勧告に沿って許容可能な放射線被ばくレベルを労働者および一般を対象に引き上げることを提案している。 1979年11月/ 12月)
[PDF]let the facts speak.pdf - Medical Association for Prevention of War
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