



イメージ 1

更に日本で今後がんの拡大が予想されるのは福一が全国に播き散らかした放射能です。この実態は次の記事に譲るとして、今回もイタリアの医師・トゥリオ・シモンチーニ(Tullio Simoncini)の研究と労苦について記述したいと思います。


『癌は真菌であり治癒する』 2018/6/27(水) の続編です。

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Chemotherapy is killing the people it is supposed to be curing. 
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イメージ 2

Of course, it can never 'cure' anyone of anything, except life. It is a poison destroying the very system that we need to be healthy and strong if we are to be cured. 
When Simoncini realised that cancer is a fungal infection, or infestation, he went in search of something that would kill the fungus and so remove the cancer. He realised that anti-fungal drugs don't work because the fungus quickly mutates to defend itself and then even starts to feed off the drugs that are prescribed to kill it. 

もちろん、それは延命を除いて誰の何をも "治す"ことはできません。もしも私たちが治癒するとすれば、健康で強くなければならないのだが、化学療法はこのシステムそのものを破壊する毒です。


Instead, Simoncini found something much, much simpler - sodium bicarbonate. Yes, the main ingredient in good old baking soda (but I stress not the same as baking soda, which has other ingredients). 
He used this because it is a powerful destroyer of fungus and, unlike the drugs, the Candida cannot 'adapt' to it. The patient is given sodium bicarbonate orally and through internal means like an endoscope, a long thin tube that doctors use to see inside the body without surgery. This allows the sodium bicarbonate to be placed directly on the cancer - the fungus. 

代わりにシモンチーニは何かもっと簡単なもの、重炭酸ナトリウムを見つけました。 そうです、良き古き重曹の主成分です(しかし、彼はは不純物の入っている重曹と同じではないことを重視する)。彼は、純粋な重炭酸ナトリウムは真菌の強力な破壊者であり、薬物とは異なり、カンジダは重炭酸ナトリウムに「適応」することができないため、これを使用しました。


The ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of anti-fungal substances and Indian books going back a thousand years actually recommend 'alkaline of strong potency' for treating cancer.
In 1983, Simoncini treated an Italian man, Gennaro Sangermano, who had been given months to live with lung cancer. A few months later he wasn't dead, he was back to health and the cancer was gone. 
More success followed and Simoncini presented his findings to the Italian Department of Health in the hope that they would begin scientifically-approved trials to show that it worked. But he was to learn the true scale of medical manipulation and deceit. 
The authorities not only ignored his documentation, he was disbarred from the Italian Medical Order for prescribing cures that had not been approved. Yep, I really said that - for prescribing cures that had not been approved. 


1983年、シモンチーニは、肺癌に罹患し余命幾月かのイタリアのある男性(Gennaro Sangermano)を治療した。数ヶ月後、彼は死ぬことなく、健康体に戻って癌が消えていた。


当局は彼の文書を無視しただけでなく、彼は承認されていない治療法を処方したために、イタリア医療組合(Italian Medical Order)から除名された。そう、私は確かにこう言った。承認されていない治療法を処方したため、と。

He was subjected to a vicious campaign of ridicule and condemnation by the pathetic media and then jailed for three years for causing 'wrongful death' to patients he had treated. From all angles the word was out - get Simoncini.
The medical establishment said that his claims about sodium bicarbonate were 'crazy' and 'dangerous'. One 'leading doctor' even ludicrously referred to sodium bicarbonate as a 'drug'. 
All the time millions of people were dying from cancers that could have been treated effectively. These people don't give a shit. 




Tullio Simoncini is, thankfully, no quitter and he has continued to circulate his work on the Internet and in public talks. I heard of him through Mike Lambert at the Shen Clinic and Simoncini spoke there while I was away in the United States.
I know that he is having remarkable success in dramatically reducing and removing altogether even some real late stage cancers using sodium bicarbonate. This can take months in some cases, but in others, like breast cancer where the tumour is easily accessible, it can be days before it is no more. 
People are also curing themselves under Simoncini's guidance and at the end of this article I have linked to some videos in which you can hear people talk about their experiences and cures. 



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重曹でがんは消える』 2018/03/03

『がんはイソギンチャク型真菌』 2018/6/29(金)

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Tullio Simoncini