





Why Mammography Screening Is Being Abolished in Switzerland

The Swiss Medical Board is an independent health technology organization which was asked to prepare a review of mammography screening last year. The scientific team reviewed the evidence for more than a year and came to the conclusion that there is something concerning. The evidence didn't back up global consensus that mammograms are actually saving lives – in fact, mammography appeared to be responsible for 1 death in 10 000 women, while causing harm to many. The extensive research made by The Swiss Medical Board led them to the conclude that mammography is dangerous, which is why they don't recommend new systematic mammography screenings.

スイスのメディカル・ボードは独立した医療技術組織で、昨年のマンモグラフィー検査の再審査を準備するように求められました。 科学チームはその証拠を1年以上見直し、何かに関連するとの結論に達しました。 



Their 2014 public report revealed the quality of the screenings has been called into question as well, and that women should know about the harms and benefits of the screening before the process. The report caused a stir around the world, and after these results, the screening doesn’t make sense anymore.

2014年の公開討論では、マンモグラフィ検査の質が疑問視され、女性は検査の前に検査の有害性や恩恵について知っておくべきだということが明らかにされました。 この報告書は世界中で混乱を引き起こしましたが、これらの結果の後、検査はもう意味をなさないのです。

The 3 main reasons why The Swiss Medical Board doesn’t recommend mammography screenings anymore

1)Out-of-date clinical trials
The first mammography trial was performed 5 decades ago and the last one was in 1991. The benefits of the process found in these trials were before the era of modern breast cancer treatment, in which the prognosis was significantly improved from before. According to The Swiss Medical Board, the benefits of the screening in trials from 1963-1991 can’t be accounted for in trials today.

最初のマンモグラフィー試験は50年前に実施され、最後は1991年に行われました。これらの試験で見出されたプロセスの利点は、予後が以前より大幅に改善された現代の乳癌治療の時代の前でした。 スイスの医療委員会によると、1963年から1991年の治験における検査のメリットは、今日の治験では説明できません。

2)The benefits don’t outweigh the harms
According to the experts, it’s shockingly nonobvious how the benefits of the process don’t outweigh the harms of mammography screenings. According to the team of scientists, one British study which examined 90 000 women for more than 20 years revealed that mammograms are not related to breast cancer mortality. The death rate among the women in the study was identical between the groups which underwent mammograms and those who didn’t, while 22% of the cases were over-diagnosed and led to pointless treatment.  

専門家によると、このプロセスの利点がマンモグラフィ検査の害を上回らないことは、驚くほど自明ではありません。 科学者のチームによると、90,000人の女性を20年以上診察したイギリスのある研究では、マンモグラフィー乳がんの死亡率に関係しないことが明らかになりました。 


Another review found out that found out that screenings are pointless. “If mammography decreases the breast cancer mortality rate by 15% and overdiagnosis stands as 30%, then 1 in every 2000 women will avoid dying from the disease, and 10 healthy women will be unnecessarily treated. More than 200 women will experience anxiety due to false positives,” it was written in the review.

もう一つの再審査で、検査が無意味であることを発見しました。 「マンモグラフィー乳がんの死亡率が15%低下し、過度診断(健康なのに乳がん判定)が30%になると、2000人の女性のうち1人がこの病気で死ぬのを避け、10人の健康な女性が不必要に扱われます(必要のないがん治療)。 偽陽性(健康なのに乳がんの可能性があるとする)のために200人以上の女性が不安を経験するだろう」と語りました。

The perception of mammography benefits don’t match reality
According to The Swiss Medical Board, there’s deep discrepancy between woman’s perception of mammography benefits and the real benefits. One survey revealed that women think mammography reduces the risk of cancer by at least 50%, but in reality, this number is closer to 20%. This led the scientist to question the process: “If the benefits of mammography are overestimated, how can women make a decision?” It’s simple – they can’t. Women are unaware that mammography isn’t backed by solid science. Instead of knowing the truth, they are led to think that skipping mammography is irresponsible and increases their risk of breast cancer. In terms of cancer prevention, many doctors are and manipulated just like millions of women, as the media propaganda and pharmaceutical industry ignores solid research that may cut their profits.


ある調査では、マンモグラフィーがガンのリスクを少なくとも50%軽減すると女性が考えていますが、実際にはこの数値は20%弱です。 この結果で、科学者はマンモグラフィ検査に疑問を抱きました。

マンモグラフィーのメリットが過大評価された場合、女性はどのようにして決定を下すことができるのか?」単純です。 女性はマンモグラフィーが堅固な科学に裏打ちされていないことに気づいていません。



More and more research confirms that women are harmed by mammography screenings, which is why missing your annual mammography is nothing to be concerned of. You should also avoid the 3D tomosynthesis, which further increases the risk of breast cancer. In order to prevent breast cancer, you should focus on prevention itself, not early detection.


また、乳癌のリスクをさらに高める3Dトモシンセシス(3Dマンモグラフィ)を避ける必要があります。 乳がんを予防するためには、早期発見ではなく予防自体に焦点を当てるべきです。

Factors such as genetics and dense breasts make mammography screenings even more dangerous

According to results from the review made by The Swiss Medical Board, every breast cancer death prevented in the USA as a result of annual mammography screening also includes 70-100 women that received an unnecessary biopsy, 490-670 women more likely to have a false positive mammogram and3-14 women with overdiagnosed breast cancer.


The clear lack of benefits and the risk of harm was enough for the Board to avoid recommendation of further mammography screenings. For some women, mammograms pose even a greater risk. 50% of women have dense breast tissue which is hard to read on a mammogram. Cancer and dense breast tissue appear white on x-ray scans, so the actual detection of the disease is difficult even for the most experienced radiologists. This is why breast density laws have been passed in countries around the USA, and a federal law is being considered at the moment. This law will oblige radiologists to inform women that the mammography screenings are useless if they have dense breast tissue.


女性にとって、マンモグラムはさらに大きなリスクを引き起こします。 女性の50%はマンモグラムで読みにくい緻密な乳房組織を持っています。がんや緻密な乳房組織は、X線スキャンで白く見える(註1)ため、経験豊富な放射線科医であっても、病気の実際の検出は困難です。




Some radiologists recommend thermography, MRI or ultrasound as a better way of screening for dense breast tissue patients. However, others are keeping this data hidden from women, and the government does nothing about it.

幾人かの放射線科医は、高密度の乳房組織患者のためのより良い検査方法として、サーモグラフィー(表面温度を計測する手法)、MRIまたは超音波を推奨しています。 しかし、他の人たちはこのデータを女性に隠しており、政府はそれについて何もしていません。

Women with the 1\2 BRCA mutation are at a higher risk of breast cancer as well. According to one study from 2012, women carrying this mutation are more prone to radiation-induced cancer and exposed to radiation before 30 have double the risk of breast cancer compared to those who don’t have the mutated gene. The study also discovered that the cancer caused by the radiation is responsive to doses, so the greater the dose, the higher the risk of cancer. Unfortunately, even with this solid evidence, The National Cancer Institute says that some experts recommend women with this gene get regular screenings every year after 25.

突然変異株(1 \ 2BRCA)を有する女性は乳癌のリスクも高い。 2012年のある研究によると、この突然変異を持つ女性は、突然変異遺伝子を持たない女性と比較して、放射線を浴びると放射線誘発性がんに罹りやすい傾向があります。 

この研究はまた、放射線によって引き起こされる癌が線量に比例することを発見したので、線量が多いほど癌のリスクが高い。 残念なことに、この確かな証拠があっても、国立癌研究所には、この遺伝子を持つ25歳以降の女性に、毎年定期的なマンモグラフィによる乳がん検診を受けるように勧めている専門家もいるのです。

How to lower the risk of breast cancer naturally
Early detection is not the same as cancer prevention. As mammography screenings do more harm than good, they are not your best bet against breast cancer. Most types of cancers can be prevented completely naturally by making the following lifestyle changes:

早期発見は癌予防と同じではありません。 マンモグラフィーでの検査は有効なものよりも害が多いので、乳がんに対する最良の方策ではありません。 大部分のタイプの癌は、以下のライフスタイルの変更を行うことによって完全に自然に予防することができます:

Avoid sugar, especially fructose, and processed foods.

Sugar is generally detrimental for your health and promotes serious diseases such as cancer, not to mention that it’s highly addictive. Refined fructose is the most dangerous type of sugar and should be eliminated from your diet. This type of sugar can be found in most processed foods and drinks.

砂糖は一般にあなたの健康に有害であり、癌のような深刻な病気を促進しますが、中毒性が高いことは言うまでもありません。 精製果糖は最も危険なタイプの砂糖であり、あなたの食生活から排除されるべきです。 このタイプの砂糖はほとんどの加工食品や飲料に含まれています。

Limit your protein intake
According to recent studies, cancer growth accelerates when the mTOR pathways are active. These pathways are activated by proteins, so it’s a good idea to limit your protein intake to 1 gr. per a kilogram of lean mass. For most people, this number varies between 40 and 70 gr. of protein per day.


これらの経路はタンパク質によって活性化されるので、タンパク質の摂取量を除脂肪1キログラムにつき1グラムに制限することをお勧めします。 ほとんどの人にとって、1日あたりのタンパク質の量は40〜70グラムです。

Maximize the vitamin D levels
Vitamin D is an important nutrient for the body – it can fight cancer and induce apoptosis in cancer cells, so it makes sense to optimize its levels in your body. The vitamin D levels should be between 70 – 100 ng/ml, and it works great along any cancer treatment. If you aren’t able to get the vitamin from the sun, make sure to eat foods rich in it.


ビタミンDのレベルは70〜100 ng / mlの間でなければならず、それはどの癌治療にも大きく役立ちます。 あなたが日光浴でビタミンDを得ることができない場合は、ビタミンDの豊富な食品を確実に食べて下さい。

Avoid soy products and unfermented soy products

Unfermented soy is high in plant estrogens, or phytoestrogens, also known as isoflavones.
In some studies, soy appears to work in concert with human estrogen to increase breast cell proliferation, which increases the chances for mutations and drives the phenotype associated with cancer.


※Environmental estrogens, cosmetics and breast cancer


Most of the soy in the USA is genetically modified. When combined with estrogen, it can increase cell proliferation in the body, raising the risk of mutations and cancer.

米国の大豆のほとんど(91%)は遺伝子が組換えされています。 エストロゲン(註2)と併用すると、体内の細胞増殖を増加させ、突然変異や癌のリスクを高めます。

Regular exercise
Regular exercise reduces the insulin levels in your body and the risk of cancer as well. According to some experts, exercise induces apoptosis in cancer cells, and studies have found that the number of tumors goes down with body fat. Exercise has been found to lower estrogen levels as well, which explains why it’s important against breast cancer.

定期的に運動することで、体内のインスリン(註4)濃度やがんのリスクをも低下します。 いくつかの専門家によると、運動は癌細胞のアポトーシス(自然死)を誘導し、腫瘍の数は体脂肪とともに減少することが研究によって分かっています。 運動もエストロゲンレベルを低下させることが判明しており、エストロゲンが乳癌に対してなぜ重要であるかが説明されています。


Boost your insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity
The best way to do this is by avoiding sugar and grains and restricting carbs to mostly fiber vegetables.



Raise the intake of omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 deficiency is a common factor for cancer, so make sure to stock up on the fatty acids by consuming krill oil and wild fish.





Control your alcohol intake
Avoid drinking too much alcohol or stick to a glass per day.

Avoid synthetic hormone replacement
Most types of breast cancer are fueled by estrogen, and one study showed that the breast cancer rate drops with lower cases of hormone replacement therapy. If you’re experiencing menopausal symptoms, try bioidentical hormone replacement therapy which is a better alternative.



Avoid EMF fields
Simple things such as electric blankets can increase the risk of cancer, so stay away from any kind of electromagnetic radiation.


Make sure you’re not iodine deficient
There’s an increasing amount of evidence that iodine deficiency is responsible for some types of cancer. Dr. David Brownstein says that iodine has powerful anticancer properties and has shown to cause cellular death in thyroid and breast cancer cells.

ヨウ素欠乏がいくつかの種類の癌の原因であるという証拠がますます増えています。 Dr. David Brownsteinは、ヨウ素は強力な抗癌特性を有し、甲状腺および乳癌細胞で細胞死を引き起こすことが示されています。

Avoid phthalates, xenoestrogens and BPA
These compounds are dangerous for your health and have been linked to numerous types of cancer.

Avoid charred meat
Charred meat contains acrylamide, a carcinogen which is created when starchy foods are roasted or baked. This compound is associated with increased risk of cancer, so you should avoid charring your meat.

炭火肉には、澱粉質の食品を焙焼したり焼いたりしたときに発する発癌物質であるアクリルアミドが含まれています。 この化合物はがんのリスク上昇と関連しているので、肉を焦がさないで下さい。

以下のビデオは、多くの女性が自分の健康を守るのを助けてきた産科学および婦人科学の専門家、Christiane Northrup博士とのインタビューですが、残念にも日本語版ではありません。
