Mouse mammary tumor virus
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a milk-transmitted retrovirus like the HTL viruses, HI viruses, and BLV. It belongs to the genus Betaretrovirus.
マウス乳腺腫瘍ウイルス ( MMTV )は、 HTLウイルス、 HIウイルス、およびBLVのような乳感染レトロウイルス(註1)である。
MMTV was formerly known as Bittner virus, and previously the "milk factor", referring to the extra-chromosomal vertical transmission of murine breast cancer by adoptive nursing, demonstrated in 1936, by John Joseph Bittner while working at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor,
Maine. Bittner established the theory that a cancerous agent, or "milk factor", could be transmitted by cancerous mothers to young mice from a virus in their mother's milk.The majority of mammary tumors in mice are caused by mouse mammary tumor virus.
Infection and life cycle
Several mouse strains carry the virus endogenously, but it is also transmitted vertically via milk from mother to pup.
It is contained as a DNA provirus integrated in the DNA of milk lymphocytes.
The viruses become transported through the gastrointestinal tract to the Peyer's patches where they infect the new host's macrophages, and then lymphocytes.
(または集約されたリンパ結節 、略PP )それらは、 小腸の最下部、主に遠位空腸および回腸においてヒトにおいて通常見出される腸関連リンパ組織の重要な部分であるが、 十二指腸においても検出され得る。パイエルのパッチの数は15〜25歳でピークに達し、その後成人期に減少する。パイエルのパッチのサイズ、形状、分布は、個人毎大きく異なる。
(註3)マクロファージ(Macrophage, MΦ)
The mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has formerly been classified as a simple retrovirus; however, it has recently been established, that MMTV encodes an extra self-regulatory mRNA export protein, Rem, with resemblance to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV Rev protein, and is therefore the first complex murine retrovirus to be documented.
MMTV codes for the retroviral structural genes and additionally for a superantigen. This stimulates T lymphocytes with a certain type of V beta chain in their T cell receptor, which in turn stimulates B cell proliferation increasing the population of cells that can be infected.
During puberty, the virus enters the mammary glands with migrating lymphocytes and infects proliferating mammary gland epithelial cells.
As a retrovirus the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is able to insert its viral genome in the host genome.
The virus RNA genome is reverse transcribed by reverse transcriptase into DNA. This DNA intermediate state of the virus is called the provirus.
When the virus DNA is inserted inside or even near an oncogene, it is able to change the expression of that gene and cause cancer.
The viral genome is able to cause cancer only if it alters the expression of an oncogene.
If the viral genome is inserted in a "silent" region of the host genome then it is harmless or may cause other diseases.
High levels of MMTV are expressed in lymphoid leukemias of mouse strain GR and DBA/2 which contain extra integrated MMTV proviruses.
These leukemias are active when cells are transferred to other mice
(註6)プロウイルス (provirus)
(註7)DBA / 2
When the virus genome is inserted inside the host genome it is then able to transcribe its own viral genes.
In F. U. Reuss and J. M. Coffin (2000) experiments it is mentioned that the expression of the virus genome is activated by an enhancer element that is present in the U3 region of the long terminal repeat of the genome.
In addition the expression of the genome is activated specifically in the mammary gland cells. Estrogen is able to further activate the expression of the viral genome.The expression of sag gene which is present in the provirus is responsible for the production of a superantigen.
MMTV can be transferred either through an exogenous or endogenous route. If the virus is transferred exogenously, it is passed from the mother mouse to her pups through her milk. Alternatively, pups can be infected vertically through endogenous infection, inheriting the virus directly from their mother in the germline. Mice that become infected in this way have higher rates of occurrence of tumors.
A retrovirus is endogenous to its host once the proviral DNA is inserted into the chromosomal DNA. As a result, mice with endogenous MMTV have the virus’s DNA in every cell of its body, as the virus is present in the DNA of the sperm or egg cell from which the animal is conceived.
Hormonal responsiveness of integrated MMTV DNA
統合されたマウス乳腺腫瘍ウイルス(MMTV) DNAのホルモン応答性
Endogenous MMTV reacts to the whole range of hormones that regulate normal mammary development and lactation, response has been demonstrated to steroid hormones (androgens, glucocorticoids and progestins), as well as prolactin.
ホルモンのうち,ステロイド誘導体であるものの総称。脊椎動物では雌雄両性の性ホルモンと,副腎皮質ホルモンがこれに属する。雄性 (男性) ホルモンはアンドロゲンと総称され,テストステロンなどが代表的。雌性 (女性) ホルモンはエストロゲン (発情ホルモン) 類と黄体ホルモン類に大別され,前者はエストロンなど,後者はプロゲステロンなどを含む。副腎皮質ホルモンはコルチゾールなどのいわゆる糖質コルチコイドと,アルドステロンなどの鉱質コルチコイドに大別される。無脊椎動物では昆虫の変態ホルモン (エクジソン) が,ステロイドホルモンの顕著な例である。これらのいずれも,天然とは構造のやや異なる合成品のほうが強いホルモン作用をもつことがある。(ブルタニカ)
When the mouse reaches puberty the virus begins to express its messenger RNA in the estrogen sensitive tissues.
As a result, after puberty all mammary cells will contain the active retrovirus and begin to replicate in the genome and express viral messenger RNA is all new mammary tissue cells.
The MMTV promoter in models of human breast cancer
The LTR (long terminal repeat) of MMTV contains a glucocorticoid hormone response element. This glucocorticoid element is a promoter that is often used to construct mice which develop a breast cancer-like disease, because an animal model system for breast cancer close to the human disease is very much looked for.[citation needed]
The MMTV promoter is used in the PyMT model system of mouse models of breast cancer metastasis. Here Py is the abbreviation of polyoma and MT is the abbreviation for middle T. There are more model systems of breast cancer which use the MMTV promoter. The polyoma middle T-antigen is taken from the polyoma virus. The MMTV-PyMT model has been shown to be a reliable model of breast cancer metastasis. In human breast cancer the polyoma middle T- antigen was not found.
「牛乳は飲むな 飲ますな その①」
「牛乳は飲むな 飲ますな その②」
「牛乳は飲むな飲ますな その③」
Clarence Cook Little (1888–1971): The Genetic Basis of Transplant Immunology
Mouse mammary tumor virus infects human cells.
Rapid spread of mouse mammary tumor virus in cultured human breast cells.
Heterotopic production and tumorigenesis of mouse mammary tumor virus
(MMTV) Can MMTV be a causative agent of lymphoid leukemias? 田中 春高