



●何故女性はボケるの? 2014/10/1(水) 
●牛肉でアルツハイマー病になり易い 2014/11/30(日) 
●隠蔽するアルツハイマーの原因 2016/12/20(火) 


原題「Grain Brain」

イメージ 1




ADHD (注意欠陥・多動性障害)


This Is Your Brain on Gluten
A No. 1 bestseller by a respected physician argues that gluten and carbohydrates are at the root of Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, depression, and ADHD. What to make of the controversial theory?


The book is Grain Brain: The surprising truth about wheat, carbs, and sugar;your brain's silent killers .
It promises straightforward dietary solutions to prevent the illnesses we most hate and fear.
Why wouldn't you make three simple changes?

この本は、Grain Brain(穀物脳):小麦、炭水化物、砂糖についての驚くべき真実;あなたの脳の静かなる殺人者。この本では私たちが最も嫌い恐れる病気を予防するための簡単な食事療法を約束しています。なぜあなたは食べ物で3つの簡単な変更をしなかったのですか?

“All of the neurodegenerative diseases are really predicated on inflammation.

Most grain foods, whether we're talking about quinoa, amaranth, the very popular grains of the day, the reality is they still are associated with a carbohydrate surge.
They have a fairly high glycemic index, meaning that after 90 to 120 minutes, your blood sugar is going to go up, and that is detrimental to the brain.”


Humans consume calories in the form of three macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat.Perlmutter describes the current US diet as 60 percent carbs, 20 percent protein, and 20 percent fat.His ideal is close to that of the Paleo diet: 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 5 percent carbs.His ideal is close to that of the Paleo diet: 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 5 percent carbs.He allows for up to 50 to 80 grams of carbs daily, which is about one serving of fruit.The heart of the diet is “good fats like olive oil, avocado, wild fish, organic nuts and nutrient-dense vegetables.”(中略)

人は、炭水化物、タンパク質、脂肪という3つの多量栄養素の形でカロリーを消費します。パールマター(人名 Perlmutter 神経科医)は現在の米国の食事療法を、60%の炭水化物、20%のタンパク質、および20%の脂肪と記載しています。



Over the last 40 years, people have become addicted to gluten, Perlmutter’s narrative goes. In combination with carbs, gluten’s influence on our diets explains why we get dementia—and every other common neurologic problem. 
“Inflammation is the cornerstone of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis — all of the neurodegenerative diseases are really predicated on inflammation. Who knew?”(中略)



「炎症は、アルツハイマー病およびパーキンソン病多発性硬化症の根幹であり、神経変性疾患はすべて炎症を実際に前提としています。 そのことを誰か知っている人がいましたか?"(中略)

The idea of “integrative medicine” used to be implicit.It is the same as the traditional idea of treating the patient as a whole.

“This is what our most well-respected peer reviewed journals are telling us: that this is a preventable disease.More than 50 percent of Alzheimer's cases didn't have to happen, and this is a disease for which there is no treatment.


“The biggest issue by far is that carbohydrates are absolutely at the cornerstone of all of our major degenerative conditions,” he says. “That includes things like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and even cancers. What we know is that even mild elevations in blood sugar are strongly related to developing Alzheimer’s disease. That was published August 8, 2013, in the New England Journal of Medicine. Even mild elevations in blood sugar compromise brain structure and lead to shrinkage of the brain. That’s what our most well-respected, peer-reviewed journals are telling us.”
The New England Journal of Medicine article appears in my inbox, in which researchers conclude, “Our results suggest that higher glucose levels may be a risk factor for dementia, even among persons without diabetes.”(中略)


それは2013年8月8日にNew England Journal of Medicine(英国の医学誌)に掲載されました。 血糖値の穏やかな上昇でも脳構造が損なわれ、脳の収縮につながります。 それが、私たちの最も尊敬されている専門誌が私たちに語っていることです。


“Just because a low-carb diet can help treat neurological disorders, doesn't mean the carbs caused the disorder in the first place.”

“Of all the lessons in this book,” Perlmutter writes, “the one I hope you take seriously is the following: Respect your genome.”
He goes on to argue that fat is the preferred fuel for the human body, and has been for two million years. In the last 10,000 years, agriculture made carbohydrates the most abundant form of calories. His arguments consistently harken reverently back to “the hunter-gatherer days.”


彼は、脂肪は人体にとって好ましい燃料だと論じ、人類の脂肪摂取は200万年も続いています。 過去1万年間、農業は炭水化物を最も豊富なカロリーの形にしました。 彼の主張は、一貫して「狩猟採集民の時代」に敬意を表しています。

“In our hunter gatherer days obviously there were times when we didn’t have food, and that would create a small stress to our genome,” he said in a talk this summer. “When we didn’t have calories, life-sustaining protective genes would be activated, increasing antioxidant coverage, reducing inflammation, and ultimately actually being good for the brain.”

「私たちの狩猟採集時代では、食べ物を食べていない時があり、それがゲノムへのストレスを小さくしただろう」と彼は今夏の会談で語りました。 「私たちがカロリーを持たないとき(食べ物が無いとき)は、生命維持の保護遺伝子が活性化され、抗酸化物質の適用範囲が広がり、炎症が軽減され、最終的には実際に脳に良いものになるでしょう。

The thrifty gene hypothesis was proposed by geneticist James Neel in 1962. Our bodies, it says, are preparing us for a fast that, in this time of abundance, never comes. Instead our thrifty genes lead us to diabetes and obesity. (中略)

倹約遺伝子仮説は1962年に遺伝学者James Neelによって提案されました。私たちの体は、この食べ物が豊富な時代に決してそういう風になることはありません。代わりに、私たちの倹約の遺伝子は私たちを糖尿病と肥満に導きます。(中略)

"It's a revolutionary idea. The book tells you exactly how to grow new brain cells.”

Perlmutter has estimated that the Stone Age diet was 75 percent fat, a claim Katz finds “wildly preposterous.” Anthropological research, he pointed out the work of Loren Cordain, suggests that in the age before cooking oil, humans ate mostly plants with a scattering of seeds and nuts. (中略)

「人類学的研究でのLoren Cordainの研究では、食用油の前の時代には、飛散している種子やナッツの植物を主に食べていたことを示唆しています。(中略)

They only started adding oil to the diet after the Dawn of Agriculture. What the hell could they possibly have eaten that would be that fatty?'"(中略)


Who wouldn’t want to grow new brain cells? The study he sent me to substantiate this claim was published in Neurology, the specialty’s preeminent journal. 


The Berlin-based researchers concluded that even in people without diabetes, “chronically higher blood glucose levels exert a negative influence on cognition, possibly mediated by structural changes in learning-relevant brain areas. 


Therefore, strategies aimed at lowering glucose levels even in the normal range may beneficially influence cognition in the older population.” They assess this appropriately as “a hypothesis to be examined in future interventional trials.”


“This isn’t just for the elderly,” Perlmutter continued seamlessly. “There are 6.5 million children in America carrying a diagnosis of ADHD. Two-thirds of them are receiving mind-altering medications, the long-term consequences of which we do not understand.(中略)

「これは単に高齢者のためだけではありません」パールマターは途切れなく言い続けました。「アメリカには650万人の子供たちがADHD(注意欠陥・多動性障害)の診断を受けています。 彼らの3分の2が、向精神薬療法を受けています。これは、われわれが理解できない重大な結果です。(中略)

“Government doctrine in 1992 indicated that we need to be on a low-fat diet.
That's saying in the same breath, high carb.
Immediately, within 10 years, the rate of diabetes in America went up three-fold.”


The number of people diagnosed with diabetes in the US has nearly tripled in the last twenty years, according to the CDC .In 1992, 7.5 million people had a diagnosis.By 2002, the number was 13.6 million.By 2011 it was 20.9 million.


“That doubles your risk for Alzheimer's disease.We were told, 'Eat more whole grain goodness.
Eat more of what the US Department of Agriculture is producing for you, and that will be good for you.
Nothing could be further from the truth.Diets that are high in fat lower cardiovascular risk factors and are absolutely associated with a reduced risk for dementia.This was published in The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease in January of 2012, research from the prestigious Mayo Clinic.People on a high-fat diet had a 44 percent risk reduction for developing dementia.Those on a high carb diet, which the government continues to recommend, had an 89 percent increased risk.”






“I also find it sad that because his book is filled with a whole bunch of nonsense, that's why it's a bestseller;that's why we're talking."

It comes with the certainty that you are doing something to save yourself from cognitive decline and mental illness.





原題が「Grain Brain」である通り、要は麦類の過剰摂取が如何に脳に悪影響を及ぼすのかを解説した本です。


1.全粒粉小麦パン 2.チョコバー 3.精白砂糖大匙1杯 4.バナナ の中でなんと1番であり、それは精白小麦で作ったパンと同じレベルだというのも驚きでした。


白い小麦粉が体に悪い理由を簡単に説明 LNH Show Episode #211
グルテンフリー 1ヶ月間、小麦粉を食べないでみた結果。 ダイエットブログおまけ

【衝撃】医者が絶対に口にしない!実は危険な朝食や食べ物 4選。【知ってよかった雑学】