『官業癒着の薬の認可の結果副作用10%』 2015/1/9(金)
〇暴力団幹部の健康状態 別の病院も事実と異なる報告書
NHK 2月15日 5時05分
〇別の病院でも不正か 組長の“嘘の診断書”作成
テレビ朝日系(ANN) 2/15(水) 11:53配信
『ワクチンは人口削減が目的』 2012/7/2(月)
Merck employees had "hit list" of doctors they sought to "neutralize", court documents reveal (opinion)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Previously secret documents that surfaced at a Vioxx court case in April of this year reveal pharmaceutical giant Merck maintained a "hit list" of doctors to be "neutralized" for speaking out against Vioxx.
Although this story was reported on NaturalNews and other sites in April, Merck's involvement in the recent round of swine flu vaccines raises new questions regarding Merck's behavior towards its critics (see below).
As was reported in The Australian , documents that have surfaced in the Federal Court in Melbourne expose the criminal intent of Merck staffers who admitted they intended to "stop funding to institutions" and "interfere with academic appointments." (These actions are highly illegal, by the way.)
According to on-the-record testimony in this Australian trial, one Merck employee said, in referring to the doctors on the hit list, "We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live..."
That sounds a lot like a mob boss ordering a hit on a competing street thug, doesn't it?
At least eight clinical investigators were threatened or intimidated by Merck, the court heard in testimony.
This is congruent with the many reports of academic intimidation by Merck that have already been published on NaturalNews.com and other news outlets.
The picture of Merck that emerges from these revelations is a company run by thugs who deal with dissent by seeking to destroy the lives and careers of academics who dare to tell the truth about Merck's dangerous drugs .
『水銀入りワクチン接種は死や障害児出産への近道』 2014/9/27(土)