


I ask the American nation a question.
Is it a democracy to burn national flags becorce Mr. Trump won in the presidential electionand ?

時事通信 11/14(月) 








Personal opinion
The United States is no longer a democracy.
The United States consists of international financial capitalists and illegal immigrants of cheap wage workers.

I ask the American nation a question.

Mr.Trump pull wins 
by U.S. President election, and Hillary Clinton lost.
Is it American democracy to burn an American national flag by the reason of it?

The U.S. government should expel US citizens and illegal immigrants who burned the American flags immediately. 

Those who burn their national flags will collapse the United States in the future.

Similarly, Japan should expel the member of the group which burnt a Japanese national flag in Korea ,from Japan.

Trump win sparks riots across US as crowds burn American flag and chant 'Not our president'

10 NOV 2016

Burn Maybe Burn
12 November 2016

Burning the American flag was illegal for parts of American history, but Supreme Court decisions in 1989 and 1990 declared that desecrating the Stars and Stripes was protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

So, while Donald Trump has opined before that burning the American flag should be illegal, he has not said that it should be prosecuted as a "treasonous act" nor made any announcements declaring that criminalizing the act would be his "first order" as President.


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Trump Denounces 'Thug' Protesters Waving Mexican Flags Outside Rally
As seen on Happening Now
イメージ 1

Craigslist Ad: Get Paid $15 an Hour to Protest at a Trump Rally
Do These Trump Protesters Really Know Why They're Protesting?
It was another night of chaos outside a Donald Trump rally on Tuesday.
This time it was in New Mexico, where violent protesters clashed with police officers, throwing rocks and bottles at officers at what was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration. 
Albuquerque officers responded with smoke grenades and pepper spray. Several protesters were removed from the rally and at least one arrest was made.

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Margaret Desser
 Victorious Hank @_HankRearden  2015年11月27日
Former SDS radical: The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. 

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Activists Plan to Burn American Flags in New York City Ahead of Fourth of July
Oliver Darcy June 30, 2015 3:31 am
