

Hilary Clinton, an international gold capital and an agent of China and also a monsanto's bride, becomes the worst president who is covered with drugs and money as originally scenario.

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn't changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges after a review of new emails.


(Dali Mail)
'You can't review 650, 000 new emails in eight days!'
Furious Trump blasts FBI Director after Hillary is cleared over second email investigation sparked by Anthony Weiner's teen sexting scandal


FBI Director James Comey announced the department will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails on Sunday in a letter to Congress


Weiner's estranged wife Huma Abedin is among Clinton's most trusted advisers


The investigation was reopened on October 28 – sparked by a DailyMail.com story that revealed Weiner was sending sexually explicit messages to a 15-year-old girl.The emails in question were found on Weiner's laptop.

ワイナーはウェイナーのラップトップ上で発見された問題の15歳の少女へのメールで性的に露骨なメッセージを送信していたことが明らかになったとのDailyMail.comの記事に端を発した - 調査は10月28日にリニューアルオープンしました。

If FBI Director James Comey released an e-mail with national secret content of Hillary Clinton, Black Water would have threatened to kill him.


Hilary and his wife who traded drug trafficking and military secrets leaked to China

The Clinton administration did not instigate any alteration in US policies on drug trafficking in Central America.
In fact Clinton was up to his neck in the Contra cocaine and gunrunning rackets.
A small dirt airstrip at Mena, Arkansas, was a major US landing site for the Contra drugs and arms network , handling a night flight without lights every five minutes at the height of the activities.


(註1)the Contras(コントラ)とは、



『米国崩壊を拍車するヒラリー』 2014/6/26(木) 




Bill Clinton was governor of the state at the time and allegedly protected the operation, blocking investigations by local prosecutors into the illegal activities there.(中略)


Clinton's brother - who was convicted of cocaine possession - was also involved as an associate of Barry Seal, a major organizer of the Contra supply network and pilot for the Medellin cocaine cartel.
An investigation by the Washington Report concluded:
"There is ample evidence that Bush, Clinton, Pryor, [Democratic Senator for Arkansas, David Pryor] and Bumpers [Democratic Senator for Arkansas, Dale Bumpers], various US attorneys, Arkansas state officials and Arkansas financial institutions knew plenty about the illegal activities at Mena but permitted these to proceed."

コカイン所持で有罪判決を受けたクリントンの弟 は、 また、バリー・シールの同僚であり、コントラ供給ネットワークの主要な世話人であり、そしてメデジン・コカイン・カルテルの指導者でもあった。



Amongst the various pardons for convicted cocaine traffickers and money launderers issued by Clinton two hours before handing over power in 2001 was a pardon for Harvey Weinig , who had been jailed for laundering $19 million for the Cali drug cartel.

クリントンは、コカインの密売やマネーロンダリング工作をしマンハッタン連邦地方裁判所で有罪判決を受けたHarvey Weinig(人名)のため、二時間で様々な恩赦を発した。尚、Harvey Weinig(人名)は、宅配便のネットワークを利用し、コロンビアのCali (カリ)麻薬カルテルの$19万ドルを洗浄し投獄されていた。

One of the CIA's Air America employees involved in the Contra supply network was Terry Reed (an army intelligence officer during Vietnam), who refitted planes and trained Contra pilots at the Mena airstrip in Arkansas.


The chief smuggler involved in running guns to the Contras and bringing drugs back to the US via Mena was Barry Seal.


As Arkansas Governor, Clinton did nothing to shut down Seal's known drug flights into Mena in fact, the future president and his cronies benefited from the laundering of drug funds through Arkansas financial institutions.



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Bill Gates exposed for funding research, promotion of spraying geo-engineered 'chemtrails' across globe
The chemicals being sprayed are part of a wider plot that involves the so-called New World Order and is being directed by shadowy forces within the government.



『腐ったヒラリーで米国&日本は崩壊する』 2016/11/4(金) 