







Inconvenient True History of Korea

Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan. However, the history books of East Asia (even a history book of Korea) show that Wa (Japan) had strong influence on the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. 
Why do they misunderstand it? Because the S.Korean government has been hiding inconvenient information from them for a long time.

For example, there is the Independence Gate in Seoul, S.Korea. Most Koreans believe that the gate was built when Korea became independent of Japan. However, the gate was built in 1897. At that time, Korea was still in there. For a long time, the S.Korean government has been hiding that Japan made Korea become independent of Qing China. (Please read the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", Article 1)
Surprisingly, Koreans say to Japanese people, "Don't distort history!". What a joke!

"Don't call Koreans liars when Chinese convinced the world that Yuan Dynasty is Chinese and not Mongolian. Only true Chinese dynasties are Qin/Chin,Han, and Ming! and they were the shortest dynasties in China"

All I see are Koreans distorting history. No one in China denies that Yuan was Mongolian Dynasty.

Also, Han was the longest dynasty in China, and Song and Tang were also Chinese dynasties.


South Korea has no right to accuse Japan about war crimes. Max von Schuler said, "During the war, the Korean people were Japanese citizens, and were willing and able participants in the Japanese Empire. It is after the war that they decided that they were victims, and switched roles." That's quite right. What Japan did during the war is the same as Korea did. In fact, Korea was annexed to Japan peacefully in 1910. Japan did not invade Korea. Therefore, many Japanese and Korean people fought against Western Countries and China during the war. After Japan was defeated in the war, suddenly Korea changed their attitude. South Korea fabricated their history, and they have appealed South Korea was invaded by Japan, and it was a victim country. Their story is wrong.
Japan and Korea started a volunteer military system in 1938.
Korean military participation
★1939 Applicants 12,348 Accepted 613
★1940 Applicants 84,443 Accepted 3,060
★1941 Applicants 144,743 Accepted 3,208
★1942 Applicants 254,273 Accepted 4,077
★1943 Applicants 303,294 Accepted 6,300
The following Korean commanders in Japanese Imperial Army contributed great service of Japan and Korea.
★Lee Byung-Mu 李秉武 Lieutenant General of IJA in 1920
★Cho Dong-yoon 趙東潤 Lt.Gen. in 1920
★Lee Hee-doo 李煕斗 Major General in 1920
★Cho Sung-Geun 趙性根 Lt.Gen. in 1928
★Eo Dam 魚潭 Lt.Gen. in 1930
★Wang Yoo-Shik 王瑜植 Maj.Gen. in 1925
★Kim Eung-Sung 金応善 Maj.Gen. in 1931