

厚 生 労 働 省 大 臣 官 房

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17歳と不倫交際、娘の認知は拒否… 菊川怜は耳を塞ぎたい「資産100億円夫」の「慰謝料裁判」傍聴報告


重曹による体内のウラン除去 2018/10/6(土) 

重曹:体内除染  2018/11/29(木)

放射能防御継続必然:ビタミンA 2019/6/19(水) 

歯周病や発疹に有効な純粋重曹』 2018/9/14(金) 



重曹でがんは消える』 2018/03/03


重曹による体内のウラン除去 2018/10/6(土)
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the
severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys.

海自の輸送艦「くにさき」 豪州の港に“衝突”

Int J Oral Sci 。 2018年3月。
Oral health in China: from vision to action
More importantly, oral infectious diseases, particularly periodontitis, are also closely associated with systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, preterm birth, respiratory diseases, colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases and Alzheimer's disease  .
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which has been developed for more than 2 000 years, has attracted increasing attention recently, particular due to its comparable efficacy and reduced side-effects for the treatment of NCDs
Although standard criteria for post-treatment assessment are not available and the exact of TCM mechanisms are still unclear, TCM has shown effectiveness in the treatment of oral diseases, including dental caries, periodontitis, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, oral lichen planus, leukoplakia, and Sjogren's syndrome, etc.

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The Potential Role of Spirulina in Protection against Radiation and its Effects

Introduction During the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and now due to the recent Japanese earthquake-related nuclear accident, many people have asked us about some reports that they have read about the effect of Spirulina in protection against radiation related health problems.

Spirulina Radiation removal
The ethanol precipitate of the hot water extract from Spirulina platensis has shown protective effects on γ-ray irradiated mouse bone marrow cells ( Qishen et al. 1989 ).

& Kolman, A. 1989. Radioprotective effect of extract from Spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test.

Spirulina : An Emerging Treatment Modality for the Management of Oral Submucous Fibrosis

Role in Periodontitis Periodontitis is primarily an inflammatory condition caused by bacteria in plaque.set up against the gram negative bacterial organisms.

Mahendra et al 23 were the first to use Spirulina in the treatment of periodontitis.

They assessed the role of Spi-rulina 
in situ gel in periodontitis cases that were primarily treated by scaling and root planning (SRP).treated with both SRP and Spirulina gel after 120 days depicted a reduction in mean probing pocket depth and improvement in clinical attachment levels as compared to
the group treated with SRP alone.

They put forth that Spi-rulina by its anti-inflammatory activity greatly improved
the gingival condition in patients with periodontitis and that it can serve as a promising treatment modality.