
マグネシウムが命を救う 2018/12/30








イメージ 1


A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies that comprised 313,041 individuals and 11,995 cardiovascular diseases, 7534 ischemic heart diseases, and 2686 fatal ischemic heart disease events found that higher serum levels of magnesium were significantly associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and higher dietary magnesium intakes (up to approximately 250 mg/day) were associated with a significantly lower risk of ischemic heart disease caused by a reduced blood supply to the heart muscle. 


そして、マグネシウム摂取量の増加(最大約250 mg /日)は、心筋への血液供給の減少によって虚血性心疾患によるリスクの有意な低下と関連していました

Circulating serum magnesium (per 0.2 mmol/L increment) was associated with a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease (RR: 0.70; 95% CI: 0.56, 0.88 per 0.2 mmol/L) and trends toward lower risks of IHD (RR: 0.83; 95% CI: 0.75, 1.05) and fatal ischemic heart disease (RR: 0.61; 95% CI: 0.37, 1.00). Dietary magnesium (per 200 mg/day increment) was not significantly associated with cardiovascular disease (RR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.75, 1.05) but was associated with a 22% lower risk of ischemic heart disease (RR: 0.78; 95% CI: 0.67, 0.92). The association of dietary magnesium with fatal ischemic heart disease was nonlinear (p < 0.001), with an inverse association observed up to a threshold of ~250 mg/day (RR: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.62, 0.86), compared with lower intakes .

循環血清マグネシウム(0.2mmol / L増加あたり)は心血管疾患のリスクを30%低下させ、そして、虚血性心疾患(IHD)と致命的な虚血性心疾患に罹患するリスクを下げる傾向があります。

食事によるマグネシウムの1日当たり200mg の増量は、心血管疾患と有意に関連はしていませんでしたが、虚血性心疾患のリスクが22%低下していました。

食事によるマグネシウムと致命的虚血性心疾患との関連は直線ではなく、より低い摂取量に比較すると、逆相関(逆比例)は約250 mg /日の閾値(分岐点)まで観察されました。 (1日に食事に寄るマグネシウムの摂取量が極少量の場合、効果が無いと言うこと。)

In a monocentric, controlled, double-blind study, 79 patients with severe congestive heart failure (NYHA IV) under optimal medical cardiovascular treatment were randomised to receive either magnesium orotate (6000 mg for 1 month, 3000 mg for about 11 months, n = 40) or placebo (n = 39). Both groups were comparable in demographic data, duration of heart failure and pre- and concomitant treatment. After mean treatment duration of 1 year (magnesium orotate: 364.1 +/- 14.7 days, placebo: 361.2 +/- 12.7 days) the survival rate was 75.7% compared to 51.6% under placebo (p < 0.05). Clinical symptoms improved in 38.5% of patients under magnesium orotate, whereas they deteriorated in 56.3% of patients under placebo (p < 0.001) .

単心対照二重盲検試験(註1)で、最適な医学的心血管治療を受けている重症鬱血性心不全(NYHA IV)患者79人に対し、無作為で、40人に対してはオロチン酸マグネシウムを1ヶ月6000 mgのケースと約11ヶ月3000 mgのケースに分け投与し、残りの39人に対しては成分を全く含まない偽薬(プラセボ)を投与しました。

試験デザインの一種で、治験実施に関わるすべての人間が、どんな薬を投与するのか一切知らずに行われる治験方法。 新薬(被験薬)の治療効果・有効性を確かめるための比較試験として最も一般的な方法。 






Magnesium orotate may be used as adjuvant therapy in patients on optimal treatment for severe congestive heart failure, increasing survival rate and improving clinical symptoms and patient’s quality of life.


A meta-analysis of seven prospective trials with a total of 241,378 participants observed a modest but statistically significant inverse association between magnesium intake and risk of stroke. An intake increment of 100 mg Magnesium/day was associated with an 8% reduction in risk of total stroke (combined RR: 0.92; 95% CI: 0.88, 0.97). Magnesium intake was inversely associated with risk of ischemic stroke (RR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.87, 0.96) but not intracerebral hemorrhage (RR: 0.96; 95% CI: 0.84, 1.10) or subarachnoid hemorrhage (RR: 1.01; 95% CI: 0.90, 1.14) . In an updated meta-analyses of prospective studies to date, the combined RR of total stroke was 0.87 (95% CI: 0.83, 0.92) for a 100 mg/day increase in magnesium intake, 0.91 (95% CI: 0.88, 0.94) for a 1000 mg/day increase in potassium intake, and 0.98 (95% CI: 0.94, 1.02) for a 300 mg/day increase in calcium intake .


100 mgマグネシウム/日の摂取量の増加は、全脳卒中のリスクの8%の減少と関連していました。



これまでの前向きな研究の最新の解析では、マグネシウム(Mg)摂取量の100 mg /日の増加に対して、総脳卒中の総合発症率は0.87、カリウム(K)摂取量が1000 mg /日増加すると0.91、カルシウム(Ca)摂取量が300 mg /日増加すると0.98でした。

Magnesium sulfate is neuroprotective in preclinical models of stroke and has shown signals of potential efficacy with an acceptable safety profile when delivered early after stroke onset in humans. In a recent study, 1700 patients with suspected stroke received either intravenous magnesium sulfate or placebo, beginning within 2 h after symptom onset. Prehospital initiation of magnesium sulfate therapy was safe and allowed the start of therapy within 2 h after the onset of stroke symptoms, but it did not improve disability outcomes at 90 days .




In hemodialysis patients, low magnesium status is associated with other risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as greater incidence of intradialytic hypotension, poorer hemodialysis adequacy, deteriorating calcium-phosphate metabolism, inflammation and carotid intima-media thickness .


Cardiac arrhythmias are well known to be associated with hypomagnesaemia, although the contribution of hypomagnesaemia to its pathogenesis is not fully known due to coexisting hypokalaemia and other electrolyte disturbances. Possible effects of magnesium in preventing cardiac arrhythmias are stabilization of electrolyte concentrations of the heart muscle cell and membranes, calcium antagonism,,elevation of cell energy niveau, improvement in O2 utilisation and diminishing of neurotransmitter release, e.g..adrenaline or noradrenaline. Magnesium depletion increases susceptibility to arrhythmogenic effects of drugs such as cardiac glycosides. The spectrum includes supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. Magnesium has a well-established role in the management of torsade de pointes. Torsade de pointes, a repetitive polymorphous ventricular tachycardia with prolongation of QT intervals, has been reported in cases of hypomagnesaemia, and this and other arrhythmias have been successfully treated with intravenous magnesium. In the recent guideline of the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology for prevention and treatment of torsade de pointes, tachycardia administration of magnesium and potassium is advised .







心臓病治療薬,非心臓病治療薬を問わず,薬の投与により既存の不整脈が増悪した場合,. または新たな不整脈が発生した場合をいう 。




頻拍中の心電図波形が単一なものを単形性心室頻拍、波形が一つ間違って崩壊したものを多形性心室頻拍という、特に多形性心室頻拍は最も危険な 致死性不整脈心室細動と同じ心肺蘇生など早急な処置を必要とします。


心拍数が増加している状態。 成人の安静時心拍数はおよそ毎分50~70回(bpm)であるが、100bpmを超える状態を頻脈という。 心臓は自律神経(交感神経と副交感神経)によって支配されており、何らかの要因で交感神経が優位になると心拍数が増える。

The frequency of cardiac arrhythmias occurring after myocardial infarction is higher in hypomagnesemic patients and can be reduced by magnesium administration. Several trials indicate that an intravenous magnesium infusion early after suspected myocardial infarction could decrease the risk of death. A meta-analysis with 2316 patients of the Leicester Intravenous Magnesium Intervention Trial (LIMIT-2) found a significant reduction in mortality in those patients who were given intravenous magnesium sulfate (8 mmol over 5 min followed by 65 mmol over 24 h) within 24 h of suspected myocardial infarction or physiological saline. By intention-to-treat analysis mortality from all causes was 7.8% in the magnesium group and 10.3% in the placebo group (2 p = 0.04), a relative reduction of 24% (95% confidence interval 1%–43%) . However, another study involving 58,050 patients with suspected myocardial infarction, (ISIS-4, Fourth International Study of Infarct Survival), showed no benefit from magnesium therapy . Also in the Magnesium in Coronaries (MAGIC) trial with 6213 patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, magnesium therapy had no benefit . Thus, the use of intravenous magnesium sulphate remains controversial. Nevertheless, magnesium therapy should be considered in those with refractory arrhythmias.









National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine

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