
The hypothesis that AD is caused by mercury from amalgam and the environment is consistent with the theory that AD is an inflammatory disease caused by the body's reaction to an infection or environmental insult.


The evidence that AD "fits the paradigm of the idiopathic rheumatic disorders" was recently presented by Aisen and Davis.

"According to this model," wrote the authors, "an unknown set of circumstances results in an initial insult triggering an inflammatory reaction in the brain. The inflammation becomes self-propagating, or it continues because the obscure inciting factors persist."



They argue that the acute phase response may augment production of beta-amyloid, the protein found among the plaques in AD brains.

They conclude that "cytokines, acute phase proteins, activated microglia, and complement," all mechanisms which can be triggered by the acute phase response of the immune system, are "involved" with AD, either as causes or consequences, and that anti-inflammatory drugs may "alter" the progression of AD.They conclude that "cytokines, acute phase proteins, activated microglia, and complement," all mechanisms which can be triggered by the acute phase response of the immune system, are "involved" with AD, either as causes or consequences, and that anti-inflammatory drugs may "alter" the progression of AD.


Some direct evidence that anti-inflammatory drugs may delay the onset of AD already exists.McGeer et al.reported data suggesting that "the prevalence of Alzheimer disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is unexpectedly low and that [the use of] anti-inflammatory therapy might be the explanation."Aisen and Davis cite two other studies that reach the same conclusion.