
米国インフル・ワクチン実態証言 2018/11/6(火)






MEDIAA Retired Emergency Room Technician Drops Bombshell “FIu Shot Speech” in Front of CDC Advisory Committee


Retired Hospital Worker Gives Some Home Truths About Vaccines To CDC Committee (5分04秒)

2018年10月25日、20年間、緊急治療室技術者で最近退職したローリー・シミネリィ(Lori Ciminelli)が、予防接種に関するCDC(米国疾病対策予防センター)諮問委員会でスピーチを行いました。

She begins by explaining that none of her peers believe in flu shots. She said:“I don’t come here with any degree. I come here as the public. I just retired from a local hospital here. No one believes in the flu shots, my colleagues, I didn’t, because the efficacy, and I won’t give you data, you created the data, ten percent one year, eighteen percent the next, forty percent at best.”She continued to explain that the nasal “flu vaccine,” the infamous “flu mist” also isn’t good for people in her 20 years of experience. The nurse said:
“The flu mist you gave to your children from two to eight years, for almost four years it never worked, three percent, oh well.

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彼女は、鼻に噴霧する "インフルエンザワクチン"、悪評の "インフルエンザの霧"も、20年の経験から効果ないと説明し続けました。看護師は言った:


I worked in a hospital where my colleagues, doctors, nurses, medical assistants, and patient care lab, we didn’t believe in that flu shot. We were probably at 40 percent and then came our mandates, and then came your (the CDC’s) recommendations.”
Then, she provided insight into what she was forced to do, to be an emergency room technician while refusing the flu shot. For a while it was customary for people like her or nurses to wear a mask constantly, opt to constantly wear a mask day after day rather than receive the shot.




This year, I retired. I’m grateful for that because my soul was sick at what I saw go on. That flu shot was crazy.”


The government keeps a record of people who suffer from vaccine injury, it’s called VAERS (vaccine injury reporting system), so if you type in “VAERS injuries flu shot,” or for any vaccine into a search engine, you’ll find exactly what she is speaking of.

政府はワクチン傷害に苦しむ人々の記録を残しています。これはVAERS(ワクチン傷害報告システム)と呼ばれています。したがって、「“VAERS injuries flu shot,”(VAERSによるインフルエンザの予防接種傷害)」やワクチンの検索エンジンへの入力で、彼女の話していることを正確に見出すでしょう。

To make her experience even more incredible, she never got the flu in seemingly her entire career: while being in contact with people who had it, day in and day out, for such an incredibly long period of time.“How did I survive twenty years and never get the flu in that environment? ER, high volume: was I not on the front lines every flu case, 300 people a day every day, every flu case, it was me.I never had the flu, you know why? I knew how to wash my hands, I knew how to take vitamin D, I knew how to take elderberry syrup.





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(参考)『太陽光のビタミンDで美しく』 2013/12/10(火)

I don’t approve of your flu shot. Now, you have pharmacists giving it. You bribe us with cards at Target, and you tell us ‘this is free,’ and it’s everywhere. There’s scare tactics that you should be ashamed of. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: he fights for us, he does. He goes to court for us, for our kids who suffered.”


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She drew her short yet information packed, 5 minute speech to a close, and her testimony went viral. Do you agree with what she is saying? More research would be great for everybody. Why is a controversial topic controversial?


彼女が言っていることに同意しますか? より多くの研究は誰にとってもすばらしいことです。論争の的の話題はなぜ物議を醸しているのですか?

A National Firm Representing Vaccine Injured People Around the Country
