



将来瀬戸内海沿岸都市では乳癌多発 2016/9/6(火) 

乳がん厚労省データは偽造か 2016/9/5(月) 
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医師を信じ切る知人の乳がん女性 2016/9/7(水) 



※ 私が毎日飲んでいるアルコールが何故に身体に悪いかについては、持論があるのですが、後日、機会があれば述べるつもりです。

Glass of wine a day raises breast cancer risk
by JENNY HOPE, Daily Mail

Drinking a single glass of wine a day increases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer by six per cent, according to shocking figures.



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They show that every year thousands of British women could be saved from the trauma of the disease by giving up drinking.


A huge Cancer Research UK study reveals that heavy alcohol consumption is particularly dangerous, with women drinking more than a bottle of wine a day at 40 to 50 per cent higher risk of the disease.


Rising levels of drinking by women have already contributed to more cases of breast cancer in recent years - and the toll could go higher if the trend continues upwards.

女性による飲酒の上昇レベルは、近年、既に乳癌のより多くのケースの一因だった - そしてもしもこの傾向の上昇が続けば、犠牲(乳がん罹患率)はより高くなる。

The study estimates around one in 20 British breast cancer cases - around 2,000 in total - each year can be blamed on drinking.

研究により、英国の乳ガンケース20例の内の約1例は飲酒が原因と評価される -  合計では約2,000例 - 各年、飲酒のせいとすることが出来ます。

Its results, which come at a time when young women are drinking more than ever, could lead to revised guidance from the Department of Health which currently recommends women drink no more than the equivalent of two to three small glasses of wine a day.


Professor Valerie Beral, of Cancer Research UK's Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, said: 'This research tells us there is a definite link between alcohol and breast cancer and the evidence suggests that the more a woman drinks the greater her risk.'


She said drinking had contributed to rising numbers of breast cancer cases, although other factors such as the trend for women to remain childless or have smaller numbers of children and not breastfeed has probably had a bigger effect.
'But women are drinking more now than they used to and if this pattern continues it is bound to have an impact on the rates of breast cancer in the future,' she warned.


The research, the world's largest study of drinking and smoking, concludes that smoking does not cause breast cancer.



But Sir Richard Doll, a coauthor of the study and the scientist who first revealed the link between smoking and lung cancer, said women should not think of smoking as a 'safer' option because it actually causes 15 types of cancer.


 He said: 'A woman is more likely to die of lung cancer because it is notoriously difficult to treat.'


Previous research on the level of breast cancer risk to women who drink and smoke has produced conflicting results, mainly because it has been difficult to disentangle the influence of each of the two factors.



But the sheer size of the new study, to be published in the British Journal of Cancer, has allowed the researchers to make the most accurate estimates yet of the risks.


Data from more than 50 studies involving 150,000 women worldwide - including 23,000 non- drinkers - was analysed.

23000人の非飲酒者を含む - - 世界的15万人女性を対象とした50以上の研究のデータを分析しました。

It shows there is a six per cent rise in risk for every alcoholic drink consumed on a daily basis by British women.


The risk remains the same regardless of other factors such as a family history of disease.


The risk rises for each glass of wine to between 40 and 50 per cent when drinking seven to eight glasses or units a day.


This means by the age of 80, 8.8 women out of every 100 who don't drink will have developed breast cancer compared with 10.1 women out of every 100 having two drinks a day.


Professor Beral said it was unclear how drinking alcohol promotes breast cancer but it may work by raising levels of the hormone oestrogen in the body.



'If every woman stopped drinking, then there would be 2,000 fewer breast cancer cases a year in the UK,' she said.


This represents a fall of five per cent in the total of 40,000 cases - around 13,000 British women are killed by the disease each year.


She said a woman's age might affect her attitude towards drinking because breast cancer is a more important cause of death before 60 than heart disease.


Younger women are worried about breast cancer - even though it is more common in later life --but 'here is something they can do about it', she said.


Professor Doll pointed out older women benefit from modest drinking because heart disease cases soar after the menopause.


'There is a 20 per cent reduction in heart disease for one drink a day which has to balanced against a six per cent increase in breast cancer.


'Huge amounts of alcohol are bad for you but we don't want to dissuade people from having one or two drinks a day if they enjoy it because of a small risk of breast cancer when there are similar risks from all sorts of things in this world.'


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