

クローズアップ 現代 2014 エボラ 出血熱・感染拡大の 背景 1/2 NHK

エボラ記事 ニューヨークポスト

Ebola Facts: Where Are the Most New Cases Being Reported?

Liberia finds Ebola case unrelated to Guinea

Official says unlike other victims, first suspected case involves hunter who has not had contact with anyone in Guinea.

2014/10/05(日曜) 22:05







2014/10/12(日曜) 22:27






エボラ出血熱 日本のインフル治療薬投与で治癒…フランス人女性が退院
産経新聞 10月4日(土)22時27分配信



2014年9月26日 富士フイルム株式会社
富士フイルム株式会社(社長:中嶋 成博)は、富士フイルムグループの富山化学工業株式会社(社長:菅田 益司)が開発した抗インフルエンザウイルス薬「アビガン?錠200mg」(*1)(一般名:ファビピラビル)が、エボラ出血熱に罹患した患者の治療のため、フランスの病院で投与されたことを、お知らせいたします。(以下省略)

Accused: The US manufactured Ebola



The Liberian Daily Observer, which is the largest newspaper in Liberia, just published an article on their front page with the headline, “Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?” The article basically accuses the US of manufacturing this Ebola outbreak in what they call an American Military-Medical-Industry scheme to use Africa as a testing ground for bioweapons. The Resident discusses. 


It's all scripted! Ebola outbreak and impossibly rapid vaccine response clearly scripted; U.S. govt. patented Ebola in 2010 and now owns all victims' blood

エボラについては全て台本が書かれている! エボラ流行と信じられないほど迅速なワクチン対応は明らか台本通り。 米国政府は2010年にエボラの特許を取得し、現在、すべての被害者の血を所有している。

Friday, September 19, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Ebola outbreakvaccinespatents

(NaturalNews) On the very same day that vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline is being fined $490 million by Chinese authorities for running an illegal bribery scheme across China [3], the media is announcing the "astonishing" launch of human trials for an Ebola vaccine.

Care to guess who will be manufacturing this vaccine once it is whitewashed and rubber-stamped as "approved?" GlaxoSmithKline, of course. The same company that also admitted to a massive criminal bribery network in the United States, where felony crimes were routinely committed to funnel money to over 40,000 physicians who pushed dangerous prescription drugs onto patients.

This is the company that is now -- today! -- injecting 60 "volunteers" with an experimental Ebola vaccine

Spontaneous vaccine development a scientific impossibility

"Normally it would take years of human trials before a completely new vaccine was approved for use," reports the BBC. [1] "But such is the urgency of the Ebola outbreak in west Africa that this experimental vaccine is being fast tracked at an astonishing rate."

Yes, it's astonishing because it's impossible.

As any vaccine-related virologist already knows, the process of going from an in-the-wild infection of Ebola to a manufactured vaccine ready for human trials simply cannot be achieved in a matter of a few weeks or months. Apparently, we are all to believe that a spontaneous scientific miracle has now taken place -- a literal act of vaccine magic -- which has allowed the criminal vaccine industry to skip the tedious R&D phases and create a vaccine ready for human trials merely by waving a magic wand.

"The first of 60 healthy volunteers will be injected with the vaccine," says the BBC today, and vaccine pushers are of course lining up to proclaim the vaccine miracle which has spontaneously appeared before them like a burning bush:

Professor Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute in Oxford, who is leading the trial, said: "This is a remarkable example of how quickly a new vaccine can be progressed into the clinic, using international co-operation."

Near-proof that this was all scripted

The United States government now owns the patent on Ebola

This plot gets even more interesting when you realize that a patent on Ebola was awarded to the United States government just four years ago, in 2010.

That patent, number CA2741523A1, is available here.

Astonishingly, the patent claims U.S. government ownership over all variants of Ebola which share 70% or more of the protein sequences described in the patent: "[CLAIMS] ...a nucleotide sequence of at least 70%-99% identity to the SEQ ID..."

Furthermore, the patent also claims ownership over any and all Ebola viruses which are "weakened" or "killed," meaning the United States government is literally claiming ownership over all Ebola vaccines.

What this means, of course, is that the U.S. government can demand royalties on all Ebola vaccines.

Even more Orwellian is the fact that the U.S. government can use this patent to halt all other research for treatments or cures for Ebola.