The Untold Stories of Vietnamese Women, an event hosted by Justice for Lai Dai Han featuring former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as guest speaker, is being held at the Hilton Double Tree, 30 John Islip Street, London, on Tuesday 12 September at 7.15pm
Vietnamese women raped in wartime seek justice for a lifetime of pain and prejudice
シャロン・ヘンドリー(Sharon Hendry) 2017年9月11日(月)
Victims of atrocities carried out by South Korean soldiers still pursuing reparations decades later
But for a significant number of children fathered as a result of rape by South Korean soldiers, it was the start of a living hell.
Mr Nhat recalled: “Before April 1975, I had been treated well by the South Korean troops who lived on the base near my home in Phu Yen Province, central Vietnam. I was still too young to have any real sense of my identity and hadn’t yet questioned my mother about why I looked different to other Vietnamese children.
ナット氏は、「1975年4月以前は、ベトナム中部のプーエン(Phu Yen)州の自宅近くの基地に住んでいた韓国軍によく可愛がられていました。
“But when the Communists declared victory, everything changed for me. Suddenly, I knew I was dangerously different.”
しかし、共産主義者が勝利を宣言したとき、私にとって全てが一変しました。 突然、私は危険なほど違っていることを知りました。(註1)
A period of painful bullying ensued in school. Mr Nhat said: “I was bullied repeatedly. The other children kept asking who my father was and called him a 'dog'. I just kept suffering in silence.
学校での苦しいいじめの期間が続きました。 ナット氏は次のように述べています。「私は頻繁にいじめられました。他の子供たちは、私の父親が誰だったかを尋ね続け、父親を「犬」と呼んでいました。 私はじっと耐えて苦しみ続けました。
“I was 18 when my mother finally sat me down and told me she had been raped by Korean soldiers - not once but three times. My two sisters are also mixed blood or Lai Dai Han as we are known in Vietnam."
「母がついに座って、母が韓国の兵士に一度ならずも三度もレイプされたと私に言ったのは私が18歳の時でした。 私の2人の姉妹は、ベトナムで知られているように、共に混血、或はライダイハン(註2)です。
The story of South Korea’s involvement in the Vietnam War is largely untold.
Around 300,000 troops joined American forces in 1964. South Korea’s contingent was bigger than that of Australia or New Zealand - second only to the US military. Troops were largely concentrated in Vietnam’s Central Province.
South Korean troops were not alone in their exploitation of civilian women but their country has never acknowledged the allegations or taken steps to investigate.
In 1987, the Amerasian Homecoming Act resettled the children of American soldiers in the United States. 21,000 Amerasians and more than 55,000 family members made homes on US soil as a result.
米国の場合、1987年、アメラジアン・ホームカミング・アクト(Amerasian Homecoming Act)では、米軍との間に出来た子どもたちを米国に永住させました。 その結果、21,000人以上のアメリカ人と55,000人以上の家族が米国の土地に家を建てました。(註2)(註4)
(註4)アメラジアン(Vietnamese Amerasian children )については別途記事にします。
South Korea did not follow suit. According to Mr Nhat, a Ho Chi Minh City-based travel agent, an estimated 800 rape victims are still living and now determined to tell their stories. They want South Korea to recognise the children its soldiers fathered.
韓国はそれに追随しませんでした。 ホーチミン市の旅行代理店ナット氏によると、推定800人のレイプ犠牲者がまだ生きていて、今、体験談を話すことに決めました。 彼女らは、子の父である戦死した韓国兵士との間に出来た子どもたちを韓国が認めることを望んでいます。
Despite his own struggles, Mr Nhat remains dedicated to caring for his elderly mother Tran Thi Ngai and leads me to her humble home in the Dong Hoa District of Phu Yen Province - a two-hour drive from popular beach resort Nha Trang.
ニャット(Nhat)氏は自分の労苦にもかかわらずは、年配の母親ヌガーさんを世話することに専念し、トンファ(Dong Hoa)地区にある母親のつつましい家に私を連れて行きます - 人気のビーチリゾートニャチャン(Nha Trang)から車で2時間です。
Now 76, Mrs Ngai’s body is frail but her memory is sharp when it comes to recalling the sexual violence she suffered during the war.She occasionally pauses to wipe away tears. At one point, she breaks down and sobs as she offloads a lifetime of shame and secrecy.
今、76歳のヌガーさんの身体は虚弱ですが、戦争中に受けた性暴力を明確に思い出せます。彼女は時々話すのをちょっと停めて涙を拭き取ります。 ある時点では、彼女は取り乱して、恥と秘密の生涯を打ち明ける時にすすり泣きます。
She said: “I was just a young girl during the war but I worked as a nurse to support people in my village. My parents worked on a farm and we were quite poor. Helicopters and bombs were a part of our everyday lives. There were operations happening every night. We suffered a lot of hardship. We had no rice and constantly had to find ways of escaping the cross-fire.”
彼女は言いました: 「私は戦争中は若い女の子でしたが、村の人々を支援するための看護師として働いていました。私の両親は農場で働き、私たちはかなり貧しかった。 ヘリコプターと爆弾は私たちの日常生活の一部でした。毎晩起きている作業があります。私たちは多くの辛苦を抱えていました。私たちは米を持っておらず、集中砲火からのがれる方法を常に見つけなければなりませんでした」
Mrs Ngai was 24 and still a virgin when she was first raped. “During my nursing shift, I went home to take a lunchtime nap. A South Korean commander from a nearby base appeared in my room and started hugging me. I froze. I felt petrified. No-one could argue with soldiers. He started touching my body and then raped me. I shouted out loud for help but no-one came. Afterwards I cried for days but my parents just shouted at me. They thought I had had sex with him of my own free will. No-one would believe me. My parents told me to abort the child so I tried to do it with medicine but it didn’t work. Sometime after, I gave birth to a little girl. I thought about committing suicide but somehow I found a way to carry on.”
当時、ヌガー夫人は24歳で、最初にレイプされたとき、まだ処女でした。 「私は看護の交代の間に、昼食時の仮眠をするために帰宅しました。近くの基地の韓国軍の指揮官が私の部屋に現れ、私を抱きしめ始めました。 私は凍りつきました。 私は身体が化石化するのを感じました。誰も兵士に異議を唱えることはできません。 彼は私の体に触れ始め、その後、私を強姦しました。私は助けを求めて大声で叫びましたが、誰も来ませんでした。
その後、私は数日間泣きましたが、私の両親はただ私に怒鳴るだけでした。彼らは私が自分の自由意志で彼とセックスをしたと思いました。誰も私を信じてくれません。私の両親は私に堕胎するように言ったので、私は薬でそれをやろうとしましたが、うまくいきませんでした。暫くして私は少女を産みました。 私は自殺を考えましたが、兎にも角にも生きていく方法を見つけました」
Once ‘defiled’ by Korean soldiers, women were labelled ‘fair game’ for fellow comrades. This warped code of honour sealed Mrs Ngai’s fate for a second time. Catching her breath between sobs, she explained: “The father of my first-born child returned to South Korea but sent another soldier to my house on the pretence of checking up on the baby. Once again, this man moved towards me holding me tightly before pulling me down to the ground and raping me on the floor. He later returned to Korea too and I gave birth again to another daughter. I cried every day.”
彼女は息を呑んだあと、"私の最初の子の父親は韓国に帰りましたが、赤ちゃんをチェックするという偽りの言葉で、父親は別の兵士を私の家に送りこみました。もう一度、この男は私に近づき、私を固く抱きしめ、私を地面に引き落とし、そして私を床でレイプしました。彼も同様、後に韓国に帰っていきました。そして私はもう一人の娘を出産しました。 私は毎日泣きました。
Incredibly, Mrs Ngai was raped a third time the following year by yet another Korean solider who had been briefed on her whereabouts by departing colleagues. “After it happened a third time I felt very vulnerable and miserable - like there was no hope anyone would believe me.”
信じられないことに、ヌガー夫人は、翌年、彼女の居場所を同僚達から知らされた韓国の兵士により、3回目のレイプをされました。「3回目に起こった後、私は非常に傷心で悲惨な気持ちになりました。- 誰かが私を信じるという希望がなかったように。
Despite suffering crippling depression, Mrs Ngai made an admirable attempt to be a good mother. She was especially determined to send her children to school despite prejudice from teachers and parents.
She said: “I received a lot of criticism from the villagers and my children were treated badly by the principal of the school who questioned their right to be there. Some teachers hit my children and asked them why they didn’t return to Korea with their fathers. When they got older they moved to Ho Chi Minh City to escape the criticism in the village.”
彼女は言いました: 「私は村人から多くの誹謗を受けました。そして、私の子供(敵国の子)は、私の子供の学校で学ぶ正当な資格を疑った学校の校長にひどく扱われました。何人かの先生が私の子供たちを叩き、そして彼らが父親と一緒に帰国しなかった理由を尋ねました。 子供たちが成長すると村の批判を免れる為にホーチミン市に引越しました。」
While the Ngai children were driven out of their homes to the big city, Mrs Ngai was terrorised by Communist soldiers who branded her a ‘blood taker.’ She said: “They took all my possessions and put me in prison but worst of all, they beat my grandfather to death.”
Mrs Ngai felt confused in the fog of war but now she is very clear about what she wants now. “I think the South Korean government should apologise for everything they did to women in Vietnam. Our country has suffered during many chapters in history but it is the Lai Dai Han who still suffer now. The Americans took their children home but my children have been left behind by their fathers.
“I still cry in silence in the dark - for my children and for myself. My wish is that I can seek some comfort in my lifetime simply in recognition that we exist.”
"私は依然と暗闇の中で静かに泣きます - 私の子供のために、そして自分のために。
米軍と韓国軍の共通点『残虐・強姦』 2013/5/30(木)
韓国雑誌 ハンギョレ21 1999年 05月 06日 第256号 .
ああ, 震撼の韓国軍! 韓国の恥部, ベトナム戦犯調査委のおぞましい記録
The common features of the U.S. and South Korea are slaughter and rape.
This soldier of two countries raped the average citizen by the Vietnam War, and performed the mass murder.